Second Aim: about the resurrection of the dead and the end of the world.
Second Aim
The Second Aim is about the resurrection of the dead, the end of the world, and the life of the hereafter. It consists of four Fundamental Points, and an Introduction which is in the form of a comparison.
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First Fundamental Point: About the immortality of man’s spirit.
Second Fundamental Point: The proofs about the eternal happiness in the hereafter.
Fourth Fundamental Point: Causes and proofs of the death and Resurrection of the Universe.
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- The Twenty-Ninth Word: About man’s spirit, the angels, and the resurrection after death.
- First Fundamental Point: About the immortality of man’s spirit.
- Tenth Point: The witnessing of the Qur’an for the eternal happiness and examples from verses about this.
- The First Part of an Important Supplement and Addendum to the Tenth Word: How essential is resurrection after death and belief in the hereafter for personal life of man and for the peace of the life of society?
- The Twentieth Word: Some questions and answers on the Qur'an and some examples from the miracles of the Qur'an.
- Introduction: Three questions regarding the proof of Doomsday and the hereafter: Will the universe be destroyed? Will it be reconstructed after its destruction? Will the doer of these things possess the power to do so?
- Second Fundamental Point: The proofs about the eternal happiness in the hereafter.
- Introduction: First Point: Belief in the hereafter is the foundation of the happiness of the community life and individual life.
- First Aim: about angels.
- Belief in the Hereafter: Introduction