The Twentieth Word : Some questions and answers on the Qur'an and some examples from the miracles of the Qur'an.
The Twentieth Word
[This Word consists of Two Stations]
Please click on the following links to continue reading;
First Station : Answers to some objections and delusions about the Qur'an.
Second Point: The lessons in the story of the sacrificing the cow by the children of Israel.
Third Point: The lessons given by the verse concerning stones.
Read 12.436 times
- First Station: Answers to some objections and delusions about the Qur'an.
- The Twenty-Second Word: The works of art in the universe which inform about Allah; the ways of making out the artistic delicacies and the manifestation of oneness in them and gaining investigative belief (tahqiq).
- A Significant Point and Important Mystery: The relation between the branches of science and Divine names.
- Scientific Miracles of the Qur'an is now available in HD format!
- The Subject Index of Risale-i Nur
- Fourth Flash: It explains the truth behind the points of conflict between Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah and Alawites (Ahl ash-Shi’a).
- Scientific Miracles of the Quran #11: The Function of Mountains
- The Function of Mountains
- Scientific Miracles of the Quran #8: Femininity and Masculinity in Plants
- The Twenty-Fifth Word: About the Miraculousness of the Qur'an