Does the Quran approve Zionism or a Zionist state?
Does the Quran approve Zionism or a Zionist state?
Are Arabs and Israelis relatives?
Are Arabs and Israelis relatives?
Did the creation of first man, Hz. Adam, take part in a certain process, or was he created suddenly?
Did the creation of first man, Hz. Adam, take part in a certain process, or was he created suddenly?
Is guidance a matter of destiny? Is it in man’s power to believe?
Is guidance a matter of destiny? Is it in man’s power to believe?
Is there a principle like
Is there a principle like "There is no questioning in religion" in Islam? If there is, what is meant by it?
Was the Prophet Isa (Jesus) crucified? Will you explain the issue?
Was the Prophet Isa (Jesus) crucified? Will you explain the issue?
What does Israfil do until he blows the Trumpet (Sur)?
What does Israfil do until he blows the Trumpet (Sur)?
"Only tears and illness will eliminate sins." Is this statement a hadith? If yes, how can they eliminate sins?
Why was man created similar to mammals anatomically?
Why was man created similar to mammals anatomically?
Why is the awrah place for men is between the navel and the knees but for women the whole body?
Why is the awrah place for men is between the navel and the knees but for women the whole body?