Second Fundamental Point: The proofs about the eternal happiness in the hereafter.


There are matters necessitating eternal happiness, and the All-Glorious Agent is capable of bestowing that happiness. Also, the destruction of the universe and death of the world are possible, and they will occur. And the resurrection of the world and the Last Judgement are possible, and they will occur. We shall explain all these six matters briefly and in a way that will satisfy the reason. In fact, in the Tenth Word, arguments are set forth which raise the heart to the level of perfect belief, while here, we shall discuss them in the manner of the Old Said’s explanations in his treatise called Nokta (The Point), which convince and silence the reason only.

There are matters which necessitate eternal happiness. A decisive argument pointing to those matters consists of a supposition filtered through Ten Sources and Central Points.

Please click on the following links to continue reading;

First Point: The witnessing of the order in the universe about the eternal happiness.

Second Point: The witnessing of wisdom and benefits which are observed in the creation of living beings about the eternal happiness.

Third Point: The witnessing of the talents and emotions of man about the eternal happiness.

Fourth Point: The witnessing of deaths and resurrections in the universe for doomsday and the Great Resurrection.

Fifth Point: The witnessing of man’s wish of eternal happiness in its creation for the eternal happiness.

Sixth Point: The witnessing of signs of mercy which are visible in beings for the eternal happiness.

Seventh Point: The witnessing of signs of favour and mercy which are visible in the universe for the eternal happiness.

Eight Point: The witnessing of man’s conscience for the eternal happiness.

Ninth Point: The witnessing of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the eternal happiness.

Tenth Point: The witnessing of the Qur’an for the eternal happiness and examples from verses about this.

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