About Umrah and missing the down (fajr) prayer.

The Details of the Question
I am going to umra inshallah on the 5 aprill what reward do I get and will all my dua be answerd. And [other qestion] I have intation of waking for fajr namaz but when I wake up it is late.
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The First Answer:
Every worship has an auspicious. However, the degree of it changes according to the place of the worship, avoiding from sins and sincerity.
Umra is a term which has the meaning to visit the Kaba without depending on a certain time like Hajj (Pilgrimage). The worship of Umra -according to the sects of Hanafi and Maliki- is muakkad sunnah, to the sects of Shafii and Hanbali is obligatory (fard).
The worship of Umra can be performed anytime wanted whereas the Hajj is only performed in its season. However, it is makruh (disgusting, revolting, abominable) to perform it on the eve of the Sacrifice Holiday and the four day of that holiday. And to establish it in the month of Ramadan is an opportunity for more auspicious. 
The Second Answer:
All of the prayers that have been decreed as five times are precious and important. One cannot stand for other. However, a part of them is more virtuous and auspicious. And the dawn prayer (fajr salath) is one of them. Allah All-Mighty in one verse, in the Qur’an says as follows:
“Therefore be patient with what they say, and celebrate (constantly) the praises of your Lord, before the rising of the sun, and before its setting; yea, celebrate them for part of the hours of the night, and at the sides of the day: that thou may be pleased.” (the Qur’an, Ta-ha,  20/130)
Interpreters comment the aim with the statement of “celebrate the praises” is to be salath (prayer). The glorification before the rising of the sun points to the fajr prayer.
Why the fajr prayer has so much virtue and auspicious is because it coincides with the time of sleep. To give up sleeping which is very sweet and something pleasant for the soul and then to face to the Creator of allthings; to plead with Him; to prostrate Him in awe; while being an absolute impotetent, poor and weak to depend on the Lord of the worlds Who has an infinite power, wealth and force; to glorify and offer thanks to Him, to honor Him makes person to be the recipient of having an exalted taste and a holy pleasure. Together with this honor, the comfort and peace of being admitted into the presense of Allah, being an addressee and friend to Him, and also fulfilling a holy duty shall cover all of the personality.
Because the fajr prayer coincides with the time of sleep, the soul finds it difficult to wake up. Islam scholars advise for those who are weight sleeper to go to bad early to be able to wake up for fajr prayer. They do not approve them to procrastinate until late hours and then miss the prayer.
If it is intentionally or because of ignorance and slubbering; the prayers which are missed and left for qadha (late performance of an act of worship) are not considered as a legistimate excuse. Such acts and ignorences gain people to sin. The reality that the first account for people’ deeds will be prayer, that even leaving one time of prayer knowingly and willingly will cause punishment, and that the committed sins even they are a atom’s weight will be shown us should prompt us to be careful and pay attention always. 
In order to be able to wake up for fajr prayer, we need to get all kinds of measures. As a matter of fact, once during an expedition Our Prophet (peace be upon him) had left Hazrath Bilal as a picket for fajr prayer.
In fact, there is no compulsion in our religion. It is very easy to establish our worships. Only thing we will do is to be careful and vigilant. Just because of neglect, to miss a prayer shall cost us too expensive. The day we performed the fajr prayer we become more lively and peppy. And the day we did not perform, as there becomes an unwillingness and misfortune even in our worldly deals, so, there occurs unrest in our psychological structure, too. And the responsibility of that issue pertaining to the next world is more piteous.
When going to bad, besides setting the alarm of the clock as a material measure, as a sipiritual measure to recite the surahs (chapter in the Qur’an) such as “Innâ a'daynâ”  and “ayat al-Kursî” and to pray will help us to be able to wake up. Since there are the angels that Allah All-Mighty charged them for that tusk.
As a matter of fact, the main point is to place waking up under the conscious. If we consider that for a small worldly benediction when needed we be unable to sleep and when we want an important dealing to do, we wake up easily. So it is not difficult to think what we would bear for worship in which even its sunnah prayer is “more auspicious than this world and what is in it” (Riyazu’s Salihin, 2: 411). Besides, Our Prophet used that statement only for the sunnah prayer of the fajr salath.
There is one more case concerning fajr salath’s time, it is about what we should do when there is a very little time for the sun set up. In such a situation, if the time is very narrow, one should immediately take ablution. It is not permissible to deal with other things such as going to the toilet ect... For the time of the prayer is about to exit. And again, in order to gain time when taking ablution, only to wash the obligatory parts and to be able to perform the fard (obligatory) prayer, to give up the sunnah prayer is permissible, and is wajip in very narrow times.

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