Will you give information about Rukn al-Yamani corner of the Kaaba?

The Details of the Question
What is the wisdom behind greeting Rukn al-Yamani corner of the Kaaba by saying "Bismillahi Allahu akbar" while circumambulating the Kaaba? Why is that corner kissed and "Rabbana atina..." is read while going to Hajar al-Aswad?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The wisdom behind greeting Rukn al-Yamani is that the Prophet (pbuh) did so. Besides, before the Kaaba was ordered to be the qiblah by Allah, the Prophet (pbuh) used to perform prayers by standing in front of Rukn al-Yamani in order to turn toward both the Kaaba and Masjid al-Aqsa.

During the first years of Islam, the Muslims used to turn toward Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) while performing prayers. However, before the Migration, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not leave the Kaaba behind while performing prayers in Makkah; he used to stand between Rukn al-Yamani and Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad so that the Kaaba would be between him and Bayt al-Maqdis . Thus, he turned to both the Kaaba and Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. After the Migration, when the Prophet turned to Masjid al-Aqsa, the Kaaba remained behind him and he felt sad. He wanted the Kaaba to be the qiblah. For, the Kaaba was the qiblah of Hz. Ibrahim, his ancestor.


It is the corner of the Kaaba in the direction of Yemen.

The Kaaba was built by Hz. Ibrahim and his son, Ismail; the corner of the Kaaba in the direction of the east was called "Rukn ash-Sharqi" or "Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad" because Hajar al-Aswad was there; the corner of the Kaaba in the direction of Iraq was called "Rukn al-Iraqi"; the corner of the Kaaba in the direction of Damascus was called "Rukn ash-Shami" and the corner of the Kaaba in the direction of Yemen was called "Rukn al-Yamani".  The place between Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad and Rukn al-Iraqi is inclined to the north a bit; Maqam al-Ibrahim, Zamzam Well and Banu Shayba Gate are on this side of the Kaaba. The place between Rukn al-Iraqi and Rukn ash-Shami, which forms the north side of the Kaaba, is inclined to the west a bit; Hijr, Golden Water-spout and Maqam al-Hanafi are on this side of the Kaaba. The western side, that is, the place between Rukn ash-Shami and Rukn al-Yamani is inclined to the south a bit. Umrah Gate, Farewell Gate and Ibrahim Gate are on this side. The direction of the sun, that is, the place between Rukn al-Yamani and Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad is inclined to the east a bit; Safa Gate and the other gates in the south are on this side.  (Tajrid, VI,19; M. Esad, Tarîh-i Dîni İslâm, (sad. A. Lütfi Kazancı and others, 324 ff)

In addition, in the Islamic literature the corner of the Kaaba that includes Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad  and the corner that includes Rukn al-Yamani is also called "Ruknayn al-Yamaniyayn"; The other two corners are called "Ruknayn ash-Shamiyayn". According to a narration from Abdullah b. Umar, Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad and Rukn al-Yamani are greeted during circumambulation. According to another narration from the same person, the Prophet greeted Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad and Rukn al-Yamani during circumambulation. (Tajrid, I, 149-150) If it was not possible due to stampede, they continued circumambulation by uttering takbir.

Rukn al-Yamani has an important place after Rukn al-Hajar al-Aswad because the Prophet (pbuh) greeted it during circumambulation.

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