What does a nightingale’s not being a heap of atoms mean?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

7.2.4- A nightingale is not a heap of atoms

       The Selimiye Mosque is made of stones; a nightingale was created from atoms. However, a nightingale is no longer a heap of atoms. The divine power created the nightingale from the dough of atoms and produced something very different from that dough. Thus, insha assumed qualities and something very different with its color shape, sound and beauty, life, feelings and emotions emerged in a completely different nature. In this example, all those features created out of nothing in the nightingale is ibda.

Everything that is created is a miracle with their constituents, matter, shape, and features. To sum up, this universe brims manifestations of ibda and insha all the time. 

       This great universe is like a nightingale created by the power of Allah. This nightingale declares the beauty and perfection in the ibda and insha of the Holy Creature with infinite tunes. Are we supposed to call this wonderful miracle of power of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and so on? Are we supposed to attribute these brand new, wonderful and strange qualities to simple elements? Or are we supposed to refer these wonderful inventions to blind force and random coincidence/chance?

       Everything that is created is a miracle with their constituents, matter, shape, and features. To sum up, this universe brims with manifestations of ibda and insha all the time.  We will give the following example in order to explain that the Creator of the Universe predestined and arranged this realm perfectly with His infinite knowledge and wisdom and that prepared all of the substances to function in it with a precise measure and delicate criteria:

Suppose that an extraordinarily adept and artful person built a magnificent and perfect factory without imitating anyone and making use of any previous work, and that he wanted to show the vastness of his knowledge, the fineness of his art and the effectiveness of his power by weaving thousands of kinds of cloth and fabric in this factory. The person who wants to get the endless products from this factory determines his plan and program in his mind first according to his purpose and in accordance with his future goals. He takes into account even the smallest issues related to the factory. He determines how long it will work and what substances will be needed in this period by fine calculations and prepares and stacks all the necessary raw materials.

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