What does ibda and insha mean?
Submitted by on Mon, 29/06/2020 - 10:38
Dear Brother / Sister,
7.2. 3- What does ibda and insha mean?
Ibda means creation out of nothing. It means to give existence to things out of nothing and to create everything that is necessary for things out of nothing.
The first creation of the universe is with absolute and universal ibda. That is, in the first creation of the universe, everything was invented out of nothing.
Insha means the invention (creation) of things with the combination of the existing elements.
There are two kinds of ibda: The first one is absolute or universal ibda. It means to create things out of nothing. The other is partial ibda.
The first creation of the universe is with absolute and universal ibda. That is, in the first creation of the universe, everything was invented out of nothing. To put it more clearly, it means the invention (creation) of the realm of beings out of nothing without any sample, comparison, imitation and model when there was no law, substance, duration, original form and copy to be taken as a model.
Questions on Islam
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