medication and fasting
Submitted by on Thu, 21/08/2008 - 19:37
Dear Brother / Sister,
If fasting gives harm to one's health, it is permissible for him not to fast, but when s/he gets well he must fast for each missed days. If the ilness or the reason that avoids fasting is permanent then s/he must pay ransom (fidya).
If one is healthy enough to be able to fast, paying ransom (fidya, the feeding of one that is indigent) instead of fasting will not save him from the duty of fasting. He must perform fasting that he missed for each day. A Muslim, who is incapable of fasting, must pay ransom (if can afford) instead of each days that he didn’t fast. This ransom is current instead of fasting. The amount of ransom (fidya) is equal to the amount of fitra (special form of Islamic alms-charity).
Ransom (fidya) of fasting is testified directly by the Quran; “(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will,- it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew. (el-Bakara, 2/184)
Also, if it is testified by a pious doctor that one can not fast, s/he can pay ransom instead of fasting.
The limit of illness which make not to fast permissible has been listed by our Islamic law scholars as follows:
1-Having so much difficulty by fasting,
2-Having a life-critical because of fasting,
3- If ilness becomes intensfied or the cure delays because of fasting.
Nowadays, according to the depandable doctor’s statements, some of the certain ilnesses which make not to fast permissible are those:
1- The extremity heart illnesses.
2- Tuberculous and the disase of lung ichor
3- The disease of canser,
4- Intense kidney inchor,
5- Urethritis with having stone in it,
6- Extremity arterioslerosis,
7- Extremity diabetes disase (1)
8- Having ulcer with the stomach and bowel,
(1) el-Fıkh'ul-Islâmi and Edilletuha v. 2, p. 645
Questions on Islam
- how to feed the poor if i cant fast
- Could you give information about the qada (compensation) of missed fasts and paying ransom (fidyah) for those fasts?
- Should those who have difficulty in performing fasting due to their conditions perform fasting later or pay fidya?
- New convert-hard to fast
- Was it rendered fard to perform fasting for thirty days (in Ramadan) in the Quran?
- Will you give information about the qada of skipped fasting and giving fidyah for skipped fasting?
- Can ransom (fidyah) for fasting be given to a charity organization?
- Frequently Asked Questions on Fasting
- What should you do about your prayers when you are sick?
- Is it permissible to give fidyah for fasting before the month of Ramadan starts?