Are Salli and Barik prayers recited in the first sitting of the sunnah of the asr (afternoon) prayer?

The Details of the Question
Are Salli and Barik prayers recited in the first sitting of the sunnah of the asr (afternoon) prayer?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

It is sunnah to recite salawat to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after at-tahiyyat in the last sitting of the prayers of fard, witr and muakkad sunnahs; and in all sittings of ghayr muakkad sunnahs and nafilah prayers.

Accordingly, it is sunnah to recite the prayers of Salli and Barik after at-tahiyyat of the first sitting of the sunnah of the isha (night) and the sunnah of the asr (afternoon) prayers.

A person who does not recite these prayers are considered to have left a sunnah but it is not necessary for him/her to perform sajda as-sahw (prostration of forgetfulness). For, not performing a sunnah in the prayer does not require sajda as sahw.

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