We know that Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet and no prophets will come after him. However, Hz. Isa (Jesus) will come down from the sky; will he not come as a prophet?

The Details of the Question
We know that Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet and no prophets will come after him. However, Hz. Isa (Jesus) will come down from the sky; will he not come as a prophet?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The duty of the prophethood of Hz. Isa ended when he was ascended to the sky. Every prophet has an aspect of sainthood in addition to the aspect of prophethood. At the end of time, Hz. Isa will come down as a saint and scholar, not as a prophet; he will be a member of the ummah of Hz. Muhammad (pbuh).

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