How can we protect the house from the jinns or satan?
Submitted by on Sun, 11/01/2009 - 15:29
Dear Brother / Sister,
We do not know any rule about that. But, to pray, to wish benediction is good. Furthermore, we need to live a life convenient with Islam and take refuge in Allah. He is the best Protector.
For further information please have a look at the links given below.
How should we take refuge in Allah from the wickedness of jinn?
How can we take refuge in God?
What is the meaning of ‘Dua’ Supplication, and what wisdom does it have?
How and when should we supplicate? What are the most grateful supplications?
Could you give examples of supplications from Holy Qur’an?
How should be a believer’s supplication for other believers?
Why do we need to repeat our supplications?
Is it religiously permissible to supplicate to God through an intermediary?
Questions on Islam
- How can we repent for a serious sin?
- The Repentance made with Heart and Soul
- How and when should we supplicate? What are the most grateful supplications?
- How should we take refuge in Allah from the wickedness of jinn?
- Is a situation to take refuge necessary in order to take refuge in Allah?
- Does evil-eye kill a person? What kind of precautions can be taken against evil-eye? What are the reasons of evil-eye? Is it permissible to wear an evil-eye bead?
- Dzikir and Du'a
- Fifth Point: The power of supplication and its meaning, kinds, the answering of it and acceptance.
- asking about jinn
- The First Addendum to the Twenty-Fourth Letter: It explains the interpretation of the following verse and states the importance of supplication (dua): “O people! No importance would your Sustainer attach to you were it not for your supplication.”