Can you give some information about not performing salah relying on the idea that sooner or later Allah will forgive me. Will there be a difference between those who perform their salahs and those who do not perform their salahs?
Submitted by on Sat, 25/04/2015 - 10:10
Dear Brother / Sister,
It is not appropriate for a person to leave salah by saying, “Sooner or later Allah will forgive me.” Their condition is like that of those who give up eating and drinking water by saying, “Allah is merciful, He will not let me die.” Allah has informed people about how He is going to treat those who do not perform their salahs. Allah has stated in the Qur’an that He will torment the people who do not perform their salahs.
Allah Ta’ala states the following about the torment in the afterworld:
"And (ask) of the Sinners: What led you into Hell-Fire?They will say: "We were not of those who prayed… " (al-Muddathir, 74/40-43).
“But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts: soon, then will they face Destruction. Except those who repent and believe, and work Righteousness: for these will enter the Garden and will not be wronged in the least.” (Maryam, 19/59, 60)
“So woe to the worshippers, Who are neglectful of their Prayers.” (al-Maun, 107/4-5)
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said,
“The protection of Allah and His Messenger is removed from those who leave their salahs intentionally.” (Ahmad b. Hanbal, IV, 238, VI, 461)
“The deeds of those who leave their afternoon prayer go in vain.” (Bukhari, Mawaqit,13, 34; Nasai, Salat, 15)
“Allah Ta’ala seals the hearts of those who leave three jumu’ah (Friday) salahs negligently.” (Nasai, Jumu’ah, 2; Tirmidhi, Jumu’ah 7; Ibn Majah, Iqama, 93)
Since Prophet Adam, there had been one salah a day in every religion. The salahs performed by all of them were gathered together and were made fard for those who believed in Prophet Muhammad. It is not a pillar of iman (belief) to perform salah. But, to believe that salah is a fard is a pillar of iman.
Salah is the pillar of religion. A person who performs his/her salah regularly and properly will have established his/her religion and kept the building of Islam erect. And he who does not perform his/her salah will have destroyed his/her religion and the building of Islam. Our Prophet (pbuh) said, “The head of our religion is the salah. There is no one without a head; similarly, there is no religion without salah.”
The prophet (s.a.w.) criticizes the people who leave congregation as follows:
“I swear I wish in my heart that I shall order people to perform salah and they shall carry out this; after that, I shall order a man to lead people to perform the salah. After this order, I shall take some men with loads of wood to the ones who have not come to congregation and burn their houses furiously.” (al-Muwatta', Jama'ah 3; Ibn Majah, Masajid, 17).
Questions on Islam
- Jama’ah Salah (Prayer in Congregation)
- Is Jumuah Salah (Friday prayer) not fard for women according to four madhhabs?
- Why do we read salli-barik prayers in the first sitting of the first sunnah of the afternoon and night salahs? In case of forgetting to read them, do we have to make sajda as-sahw?
- If a man who is married does not perform jumu’ah (Friday prayer) three times on end, does his nikah (marriage) become invalid?
- Amin
- Could you please give information about Daily Prayer (Salah)?
- How many times is the word salah mentioned in the Quran?
- While performing wudu, I forget whether I have made niyyah or not and I make niyyah again. What can I do to get rid of this?
- It is narrated that prophets other than the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to perform salah. Was there the worship of Salah in other religions, too?
- What is the decree for performing salah in congregation according to the madhhabs?