When the time for zuhr (noon) comes, is only the missed fard qada of fajr (morning prayer) performed or is the sunnah of it performed as well?

The Details of the Question
When the time for zuhr (noon) comes, is only the missed fard qada of fajr (morning prayer) performed or is the sunnah of it performed as well?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The time for the morning prayer begins with the first light of the dawn and ends with the rising of the sun. However, according to Hanafis, it is recommended to pray the morning prayer after it becomes slightly light; as for Shafiis, it is recommended to perform the morning prayer while it is still dark.

If the sun rises while praying, the prayer will be invalid according to Hanafis. You need to perform it again after the sun rises (after the rime of karahah ends).

A person who has not performed the morning prayer within its time needs to perform (make qada) both its sunnah and fard after the sun rises (after the time of karahah ends) and before the time for the noon prayer starts.

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