Sexual intercourse in Ramadaan

The Details of the Question
Is it permissible for husband and wife to have intercourse between the Iftaar and sehri period? Obviously we know that during fasting intercourse is prohibited. If so, if they make sehri and then take the obligatory Ghusl before Fajr is the fast still valid? Or do they have to make Ghusl before Sehri as well? JazaKallah
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Sexual intercourse during fasting from dawn to dusk is not permissible. Sexual intercourse while fasting during the day invalidates the fast. The penalty is to fast an additional period of 60 continuous days. If one is not able to do so then he must feed sixty poor people-one average meal each. But it is permissible to have sexual intercourse after iftar (Breaking the fast after sunset) until the time of imsaq (abstinence).

Please click on the link given below;

Is it permissible to do anything sexual with my partner other than sexual intercourse during the holy month of Ramadan?

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) and Ummu Salamah inform us that the Prophet took full ablution after imsak.(Bukhari, Fasting, 25). Thus, being unclean (junub) when imsak begins does not harm the fast; taking full ablution does not break the fast, either.

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