Does it invalidate the fast if somebody kisses his wife?
Does it invalidate the fast if somebody kisses his wife?
Submitted by on Mon, 29/05/2017 - 15:16
Dear Brother / Sister,
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, narrates:
“Allah's Messenger, peace and blessings upon him, would kiss one of his wives while he was fasting.” (Having said this, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, smiled.)
In another narration, she says:
“Allah's Messenger (PBUH) would perform mubasharat (touching the wife/contact with the wife other than sexual intercourse) while fasting. He was more in control of his soul than all of you.”
(Bukhari, Sawm: 24, 23; Muslim, Siyam: 62-65; Muwatta, Siyam: 14; Abu Dawud, Sawm: 33; Tirmidhi, Sawm: 31)
Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates:
One asked Allah's Messenger (PBUH) about mubasharat of the fasting person with his wife.
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) gave him permission.
After that, somebody else came, he asked the same question, too. The Prophet forbade him from mubasharat (with his wife).
The one to whom Allah's Messenger (PBUH) gave permission was an old man; and the one whom he forbade from mubasharat was young. (Abu Dawud, Sawm: 35)
Jaber, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates:
Umar Ibn-i Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, (came with alarm and) said:
“O Allah's Messenger (PBUH)! Today I have made a grave mistake; I kissed (my wife) while I was fasting.”
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) answered thus:
“Do you not take water in your mouth while fasting (so as to get Wudu: ablution for ritual purification from minor impurities before salat)? (Does it invalidate your fast)?”
(One of the narrators, Isa Ibn-i Hammad, says in his narration:)
I said: “There is no harm in that.”
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:
“Then why (do you take alarm about kissing)?”
(Abu Dawud, Sawm: 33)
'Mubasharat' means getting closer and a husband's benefiting from his wife.
Here, it is used with the meaning of benefiting from one's wife's body except for sexual intercourse.
While it is permitted for an old person, it is not permitted for young people. This is because a young man may not control himself and may fall into a situation necessitating kaffarah (compensation).
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- Does it invalidate the fast if somebody kisses his wife?
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