Is it permissible to buy the goods from someone who is known to have gained the goods through a forbidden and unlawful way?

The Details of the Question
Is it permissible to buy the goods from someone who is known to have gained the goods through a forbidden and unlawful way?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

It is not permissible to buy the goods from someone who is known to have obtained the goods in question through a forbidden and unlawful way. This is because it means encouraging the acts of grabbing, stealing and earning unlawful money and also means helping those who do those acts. Our Prophet (pbuh) said: “One, who buys a stolen thing knowing that it is stolen becomes a partner of the sin and shame.” (Bayhaqi, as-Sunanu’l-Kubra, V/336; Suyuti, al-Jamiu’s-Saghir (with Faydu’l Qadir), VI/64; Kanzu’l Ummal, IV/13 (9235)).

If it is decided for certain that the goods on sale is stolen or if it is found out somehow that it does not belong to the seller with a strong possibility, it should not be bought, naturally. However, if it is not known and cannot be guessed, the price of the goods must be paid to the seller and the goods must be bought, trusting in the seller’s words. If it is found out that the goods is stolen afterwards, and if its real owner is found, the goods must be given back to the owner on condition that s/he pays the price.

If the owner is not found out and the seller cannot be found again, the goods bought become lawful in this situation. Besides, it would be appropriate for taqwa to stay away from suspicious places.

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