Would you like to explain the verse 25 of Surah An-Noor?
Submitted by on Mon, 14/12/2009 - 17:17
Dear Brother / Sister,
That day, Allah will punish them with exactly what they deserve, and they will understand and know that Allah is a reality. That ’is to say; the one who makes every truth visible and whose existence is unquestionable is Allah, the Glorious.
On the Dday of Jjudgement; i.e. mahshar; body organs will testify against their sinful owners. Their tongues, hands and feet will be a part of this againstcounter-testification.
One’s own body keeps the records of their sins committed in earthly life. Actually, our body records our all sins. In addition to this, the angels called kiraman katibin (lit. honorable recorders) keep the record of thoese sins in a book as well. On the Dday of Jjudgement, both this book and our own body will reveal our deeds.
“This Day, We shall seal up their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their legs will bear witness to what they used to earn. (It is said that one's left thigh will be the first to bear the witness).” (Ya-seen, 36/65).
“At length, when they reach the (hell fire), their hearing, their sight, and their skins will bear witness against them, as to (all) their deeds. They will say to their skins: "Why bear ye witness against us?" They will say: "Allah hath given us speech― (He) Who giveth speech to everything: He created you for the first time, and unto Him were ye to return.” (Fussilat, 41/20-21).
Allah, the Glorious, will inflict punishment on them completely in Hereafter. Testification of their body organs also means a severe punishment for them. The testification of the body organs with which they committed sins means a severe torment as well.
The word “aed-din” mentioned in this hadith means “punishment”. The word “din” mentioned in the 4th verse of chapter al-Fatiha means “punishment” as well.
Here the word “din” and the word “eal-haqqkk” are juxtaposed. It is possible to construe interpret the word “Hakkqq” as “complete, truth, what they deserve”. This It is expressesd that their punishment will be inflicted completely, or they will get their true punishment, or they will be punished with what they deserve. The interpretation of this is as follows:It means there may be some incompleteness in punishment in earthly life; however, as the punishment in Hereafter is complete, there will not be any incompleteness.
People will gain indisputable knowledge on the Dday of Jjudgement. Some people commit sins in earthly life due to the fact that they do not have certain knowledge about Allah and belief in His closeness and reality, that He knows and sees and also He is informed of everything we do, and that He surrounds it them all. If they approached the attributions of Allah the Glorious with certain knowledge and belief, and internalized it, they would not commit sins such as slandering, etc and others.
They will gain the knowledge proving that Allah the Glorious, his very self, is apparently the truth there. The events happening in the on the Dday of jJudgement will lead them to this truth. However, the people who fulfill the requirements of being a true believer or a human being will find this knowledge on the earthly life and acquire it.
If only the concepts of “knowing”, perceiving”, “indisputable knowledge” and indisputable observation” mentioned in the chapter of at-Teakasthur would come true in this earthly life. The blinds and chains preventing the heart from seeing the truth will be broken there and people will understand the indisputable truth and especially they will know that the only reality is Allah. Haqqkk is an expression of truth and “mubeen” is of perspicuousness. However, the word “mubeen” also means “who explains clearly”.
When related to the verse written above, it is possible to understand it thatis way. We can come to the following conclusion depending on thatis meaning: They will understand that it is Allah who lets tongues, hands and feet testify against them and reveal their deeds. Actually, the 21st verse of the chapter Fussilat informs us that it is Allah Wwho makes body organs speak. Consequently, they will understand there that the revealer of deeds is Allah.
In fact, Allah will give the permission for to organs to speak and testify. “..none shall speak except any who is permitted by (Allah) Most Gracious” (an-Naba, 78/38).
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