Is it necessary to perform the Qada (missed) prayer of Witr of which we do not offer in its prescribed time?
The Details of the Question
Is it necessary to perform the Qada (missed) prayer of Witr of which we do not offer in its prescribed time? Submitted by on Sun, 03/05/2015 - 22:21
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
It is wajib (obligatory) to perform the witr prayer. There is no specific time for the qada of the witr prayer just like other prayers of qada. It can be offered any time. It is not necessary to perform the qada of isha (night) prayer and the qada of witr consecutively. The qada of witr prayer is performed as three rak'ahs.
However, as the witr prayer is Sunnah according to the sect of Shafii, it is not performed later when it is missed.
Questions on Islam
Questions on Islam
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Read 5.784 times
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