If the environment in which we are musafir (traveler) is comfortable, is there any objection for performing prayers in full? Which one is better; performing prayers fully or shortening them?

The Details of the Question
If the environment in which we are musafir (traveler) is comfortable, is there any objection for performing prayers in full? Which one is better; performing prayers fully or shortening them?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

According to the sect of Hanafi, it is wajib (obligatory) for a musafir (traveler) person to shorten his/her prayers. For this reason, it is necessary for a person who is musafir to shorten his/her prayers. It is better to shorten prayers while travelling even if the environment and conditions are comfortable.

There are two different views as to when someone becomes a musafir:

1- Those considering the distance. According to that view, if a person travels to a distance of 90 km, he shortens his prayers because he is regarded a musafir.

2- Those considering the time. According to them, a three-day journey makes a person musafir. They can only shorten their prayers then. Otherwise, they cannot shorten their prayers.

According to Hanafis, a musafir has to shorten the four-rak'ah fard prayers to two rak'ahs. However, if he prays it as four, it is valid. According to Shafiis, it is better to pray fully even if one is a musafir.

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