If the environment in which we are musafir (traveler) is comfortable, is there any objection for performing prayers in full? Which one is better; performing prayers fully or shortening them?
Submitted by on Sat, 02/05/2015 - 15:56
Dear Brother / Sister,
According to the sect of Hanafi, it is wajib (obligatory) for a musafir (traveler) person to shorten his/her prayers. For this reason, it is necessary for a person who is musafir to shorten his/her prayers. It is better to shorten prayers while travelling even if the environment and conditions are comfortable.
There are two different views as to when someone becomes a musafir:
1- Those considering the distance. According to that view, if a person travels to a distance of 90 km, he shortens his prayers because he is regarded a musafir.
2- Those considering the time. According to them, a three-day journey makes a person musafir. They can only shorten their prayers then. Otherwise, they cannot shorten their prayers.
According to Hanafis, a musafir has to shorten the four-rak'ah fard prayers to two rak'ahs. However, if he prays it as four, it is valid. According to Shafiis, it is better to pray fully even if one is a musafir.
Questions on Islam
- Is there any objection for a musafir (traveler) to perform his/her prayers fully instead of shortening them?
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- Prayers of a Traveler (Musafir)
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- I travel 300 km; Am I regarded as a traveler (musafir)?