I perform prayers. However I cannot perform them properly. Will performing prayers like this be of any use to me?
Submitted by on Sat, 12/03/2011 - 15:52
Dear Brother / Sister,
Never say, "What are my prayers in comparison with the reality of the prayers?", because like the seed of a date-palm describes the full-grown tree, your prayers describe your tree. Similarly the prayers of a great saint, the prayers of ordinary people like you or me - even if they are not aware of it - have a share of that light. There is a mystery in this truth, even if the consciousness does perceive it. However the unfolding and illumination differ according to the degrees of those performing them. As there are many stages and degrees from the seed of a date-palm to the mature tree, so the stages in the degrees of prayers may be even more numerous. However, in each degree, the basis of that luminous truth is present.
Questions on Islam
- Can you give information about the meaning of the supplication (dua) and glorification (tasbih) in the prayer and the rewards given for them?
- How should our style (method) be in (conveying the message of Islam, propagation of Islam)? How should I convey the message of Islam to people who despise Islam?
- Is our Prophet (pbuh) any different from other prophets?
- Fifth Warning: The reasons that keep man away from the duties of worship. How can the affairs of the world be turned into worship?
- Isn't it difficult to perform daily prayers five times every day? What is your advice?
- Will you explain the universality of the Quran by giving examples?
- Learning of which sciences gain us the reward (thawab) of worshipping?
- Could you please give information about Daily Prayer (Salah)?
- I have too many sins and have lost my hope to be a good servant again. What should I do?
- Will you give information about listening to the adhan, repeating the words of the adhan and showing respect to the adhan?