Does forgetting to recite Qunut supplications in the witr prayer necessitate sajdah as-sahw?
The Details of the Question
Does forgetting to recite Qunut supplications in the witr prayer necessitate sajdah as-sahw? Submitted by on Sat, 02/05/2015 - 18:50
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
While performing the witr prayer, forgetting to utter takbir (Allah-u Akbar) in the third rakat and reciting Qunut supplications necessitate sajdah as-sahw. (prostration of forgetfulness)
If a person remembers this in ruku (bowing), he straightens up but does not recite Qunut supplications. He only performs sajdah as-sahw at the end of the prayer.
Questions on Islam
Questions on Islam
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Read 8.734 times
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