Can we live and worship in a house having dog?
Submitted by on Mon, 13/07/2009 - 17:21
Dear Brother / Sister,
"We can live and worship in a house having dog. It is enough for the floor that we perform salah on, to be clean."
Is there a drawback in raising dog? Can we raise dog in the garden?
There are some hadith (word of prophet Muhammad) stating that “angels of God’s mercy and grace do not enter the house with a dog in it, some rewards of that home owner that he won for his good deeds decrease everyday, but it is permissible raising a dog for the purpose of hunting, for the sheep, and as a guard”. Also it has a possibility to harm our health and worship (which requires cleanness) because dog saliva and hair may spread around. Therefore if there is not a necessity it is not proper to have a dog inside the house. Raising a dog at home when there is no necessity is not haram (forbidden) but slightly makruh (disliked or abominable acts). In the Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) this is called “tanzehan makruh” (not close to haram (illicit) like tahreman makruh but better if avoided).
In addition to this we can live and worship in a house having dog. It is enough for the floor that we perform salah on, to be clean.
Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) says: “Some rewards of a dog raising person that he won for his good deeds decrease everyday except that it is for hunting, for the sheep, or as a guard for gardens or fields.” (Bukhari, Zabaih, 6; Muslim, Musakhat, 46,50,56-58)
And when the hadith that declaring angels not entering a home with a dog in it taken into consideration, raising dog at home without a necessity like protection or hunting is banned in Islam, because: a) Poor and lonely people deserve the maintenance and spending of the people who can raise dog more.b) According to definite medical information there are many contagious diseases passing from dogs to humans.
c) A dog may scare or disturb people near home or coming home. (Günlük Hayatımızda Helaller ve Haramlar (Halals and Harams in Our Daily Life), Hayreddin Karaman, İz Yayıncılık)
For more information about Pets, please click on the link given below.
What does our religion say about raising domestic animals (cat, bird, fish...) at home?
Questions on Islam
- Is it permissible to pray in a house having a dog?
- Is there a drawback in raising dog? Can we raise dog in the garden?
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