Ninth Aspect: The confirmative news about the promises that exist in the Eighth Aspect by some important people who are in contact with the King in the simile.
Ninth Aspect: Come now! Look at the heads of these offices and groups. (1) Each has a private telephone to speak personally with the king. Sometimes too they go directly to his presence. See what they say and unanimously report, that the monarch has prepared a most magnificent and awesome place for reward and punishment. His promises are emphatic and his threats are most stern. His pride and dignity are such that he would in no way stoop to the abjectness inherent in the breaking of a promise. The bearers of this report, who are so numerous as to be universally accepted, further report with the strong unanimity of consensus that “the seat and headquarters of the lofty monarchy, some of whose traces are visible here, is in another realm far distant from here. The buildings existing in this testing-ground are but temporary, and will later be exchanged for eternal palaces. These places will change. For this magnificent and unfading monarchy, the splendour of which is apparent from its works, can in no way be founded or based on so transient, impermanent, unstable, insignificant, changing, defective and imperfect matters. It is based rather on matters worthy of it, eternal, stable, permanent and glorious.”
There is, then, another realm, and of a certainty we shall go toward it.
1. The meanings indicated in this Aspect can be found in the Eighth Truth. For example, by heads of offices we mean the prophets and the saints. As for the telephone, it is a link and relation with Allah that goes forth from the heart and is the mirror of revelation and the receptacle of inspiration. The heart is like the earpiece of that telephone.
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- The Tenth Word: On Resurrection, the realm of Hereafter, Paradise and Hell, The proofs that show the evidences of the existence of the hereafter from the world in which we live.
- Eighth Aspect: The promises of a place of reward and punishment by the King in the simile and the reasons that necessitate believing these promises.
- Third Indication: The great importance of man despite his insignificance and the truth that his disbelief causes infinite crime, which requires infinite punishment.
- Twelfth Aspect: The duties and equipment given to the highest ranking officers in the army of the King in the simile indicate an eternal realm. The message brought by the highest ranking aid-de-camp of the King.
- Eleventh Aspect: The visible works of wisdom, compassion and justice that are present in the actions around indicate another realm.
- Sixth Aspect: The constant action and changes which are visible in every corner of the world indicate another realm.
- Seventh Aspect: The relation between man's mind and the lawh al-mahfuz (Preserved Tablet). Everything in the world is being recorded and this indicates the "Supreme Court."
- Tenth Aspect: All things of the city in the simile that are constantly destroyed and replaced the new ones indicate an eternal realm.
- Third Aspect: The visible wisdom and balance in creatures indicate justice and that justice indicates a Supreme Tribunal.
- Fourth Aspect: The generosity and beauty of the works that are displayed in this world indicate an extensive and continuous exhibition.