Eighth Aspect: The promises of a place of reward and punishment by the King in the simile and the reasons that necessitate believing these promises.
Eighth Aspect: Come, let me read to you the decrees issued by that monarch. See, he repeatedly makes the following promises and dire threats: “I will take you from your present abode and bring you to the seat of my rule. There I shall bestow happiness on the obedient and imprison the disobedient. Destroying that temporary abode, I shall found a different realm containing eternal palaces and dungeons.”
He can easily fulfil the promises that he makes, of such importance for his subjects. It is, moreover, incompatible with his pride and his power that he should break his promise. So look, o confused one! You assent to the claims of your mendacious imagination, your distraught intellect, your deceptive soul, but deny the words of a being who cannot be compelled in any fashion to break his promise, whose high stature does not admit any such faithlessness, and to whose truthfulness all visible deeds bear witness. Certainly you deserve a great punishment. You resemble a traveller who closes his eyes to the light of the sun and looks instead upon his own imagination. His fancy wishes to illuminate his awesomely dark path with the light of his brain, although it is no more than a glow-worm. Once that monarch makes a promise, he will by all means fulfil it. Its fulfilment is most easy for him, and moreover most necessary for us and all things, as well as for him too and his kingdom.
There is therefore, a Supreme Court, and a lofty felicity.
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- Ninth Aspect: The confirmative news about the promises that exist in the Eighth Aspect by some important people who are in contact with the King in the simile.
- Twelfth Aspect: The duties and equipment given to the highest ranking officers in the army of the King in the simile indicate an eternal realm. The message brought by the highest ranking aid-de-camp of the King.
- The Tenth Word: On Resurrection, the realm of Hereafter, Paradise and Hell, The proofs that show the evidences of the existence of the hereafter from the world in which we live.
- Seventh Aspect: The relation between man's mind and the lawh al-mahfuz (Preserved Tablet). Everything in the world is being recorded and this indicates the "Supreme Court."
- Eighth Truth: The indication of promises about a great day of reward and punishment which was informed by the Creator of the universe through the prophets and the names the Beautiful and the Glorious to the hereafter.
- Fifth Aspect: The works of a great mercy which is visible everywhere indicate another realm. Especially the prayers of the prophet of the end of time concerning this issue and Allah's mercy and love towards him.
- Eleventh Aspect: The visible works of wisdom, compassion and justice that are present in the actions around indicate another realm.
- Sixth Aspect: The constant action and changes which are visible in every corner of the world indicate another realm.
- First Aspect: The apparent existence of a Kingdom in the world indicates the reward and punishment in another world.
- Sixth Truth: The indication of the persistent and ever-changing works in the world which present splendor and continuity along with the names of Glorious and Eternal to the hereafter.