Ablution (Wudu)

The cleaning which is made in order to perform some worships in Islam and a worship by itself is called ablution (wudu). The word Abdast used in Turkish is a compound noun formed by the words "ab" meaning water and "dast" meaning hand in Persian. The word "wudu" which is the Arabic meaning of it, is used in hadiths. In the Qur'an, the words which are used within the meaning of cleanliness are "taharah" and "zakah". The word wudu means beauty and cleanliness. Thus, before starting to pray, man needs to beautify his inner world and clean his body properly.

The following verse refers to the obligatory (fard) state of ablution in Islam; "O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles..." (al Maeda, 5/6). We see that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not do anything without making ablution (Elmalılı, Hak Dini Kur`ân Dili, II, 1583).  However, ablution is not rendered fard for all deeds and worships but only for some worships firstly salat. But it is sunnah for a Muslim to have ablution all the time.

First of all, ablution is an important worship that Islam orders in order to get rid of any dirt and impurity that keep man away from both material and spiritual dirtiness. The easiest place for the microbes to proliferate is the mouth. Cleaning the organs, beginning from the mouth, hands, face and feet five times a day shows the importance that Islam gives to cleanliness. In this way, hundred years ago, Islam insisted on cleanliness and aims to protect man from any material and spiritual dirt and microbes. In addition to this, a man who makes ablution feels spiritually clean and comfortable and worships with this good and clean feeling. This also ensures the cleanliness of the spirit. When the servitude for Allah, which is the purpose of creation, starts with such a deed of cleaning, the value of the pleasure and comfort that it gives to man is endless.

Thanks to ablution, man comes into the presence of Allah after being cleaned bodily and spiritually. With such a cleaning, he leaves behind all tirednesses and weights.

By performing ablution, many graces and beauties that are both worldly and otherworldly are gained. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says the following about ablution.

"When a Muslim washes his face while performing ablution, with drops of water, all of his sins committed with the organs of his face are washed away; all of his mistakes and sins that are committed with hands and feet are washed away when he washes his hands and feet, and by this way he becomes completely clean. He even becomes purified of sins which are at the bottom of his eyelashes and nails. The doors of Paradise are opened for the person who performs ablution by fulfilling the manners and rules and says the following by facing the qiblah: "Ashadu an la ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh",; he enters Paradise through whichever door he wishes." (Muslim, Taharah, 32, 33; Tirmidhi, Taharah, 2).

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