Why is the awrah place for men is between the navel and the knees but for women the whole body?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Many wisdoms behind tasattur can be mentioned but the most important one is to fulfill the command of Allah. To evaluate  the divine command related to tasattur only in terms  of wisdom will cause man to make a mistake.

For instance, if we were asked "Why were alcoholic drinks rendered haram?" , we would say, "Because  it is a drink that stupefies the mind." One drop of alcohol does not make a person drunk but even one drop of alcoholic drink is haram. Allah, who is the one that determines deeds of worshipping and harms, determined a different decree for women and different decree for men related to tasattur.

Allah states in the Quran that women have to cover their bodies and His Messenger explains how it will be applied. It is probably related to the structure and nature of men and women

For instance, Wilhelm Reich, a famous student of Freud, wrote his book called "Die Funktion des Orgasmus" in order  to explain that women and men emit different sexual electricity from every organ and that the electricity affects the people around differently. Thus, it is natural for the organs that have different effects to have different decrees. Many other different wisdoms of it can be found in the future.

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