When is Ramadan starting in the year 1430 ?
Submitted by on Tue, 18/08/2009 - 17:15
Dear Brother / Sister,
Ramadan in 2009 will start on Friday, the 21st of August and will continue for 30 days until Saturday, the 19th of September. The 20th of September is the first day of Eid ul-Fitr
The movements of the sun and the moon are accepted as criteria in today's communities for the calculation of the year and the month. The lunar calendar is based on the movements of the moon in reckoning the month and the year. The times of the fasting and Hajj (Pilgrimage), which are among the essential worships of Islam, are measured according to the moon's revolutions around the earth. In the Qur'an it is stated: “They ask you (O Messenger) about the new moons (because of the month of Ramadan). Say: "They are appointed times (markers) for the people (to determine time periods) and for the Pilgrimage.” (The Qur'an, al-Bakarah, 2:189)
The twelfth of the lunar months, Dhi'l-Hijja, is the month when the worship of Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is performed. The period from the first day of this month till tenth, are the “layala-i ashara (the sacred ten days)”. And the tenth day of this month is the first day of the Festival of Sacrifice, (Eid al-Adha or Īd ul-Kabīr).
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