What is the wisdom behind Idris (Enoch) and Ilyas (Elijah), Isa (Jesus) and Khidr being on the same level of life?
Submitted by on Fri, 31/01/2025 - 15:44
Dear Brother / Sister,
As Badiuzzaman Said Nursi puts it, the second level of life “is that of Khidr and Ilyas (May Allah grant them peace), which is free to an extent. That is to say, they can be present in numerous places at the same time. They are not permanently restricted by the requirements of humanity like we are. They can eat and drink like us when they want to, but are not compelled to like we are.”
The third level of life “is that of Idris and Isa (May Allah grant them peace), which is removed from the requirements of humanity, and is an angelic level of life and acquires a luminous fineness. Quite simply, Idris and Isa are present in the heavens with their earthly bodies, which have the subtlety of bodies from the World of Similitudes and the luminosity of astral bodies.” (Mektubat, pp. 5-6)
It is understood from the statements above that the characteristics of the level of life of Khidr and Ilyas (Elijah) are that they can be in many places at one time and that they are not always in need of human needs. The characteristics of the life of Idris (Enoch) and Isa (Jesus), on the other hand, are to be completely distanced from human life and to have a life of light like that of an angel.
Accordingly, in summary, it can be said that the life of Khidr and Ilyas is a semi-human life in which they retain their human identity but do not need the things that humans need.
The Prophets Idris and Isa, on the other hand, retained their human bodies but were stripped of their human identities and took the form of half-angels.
- When we think about Allah’s wisdom regarding the issue, we can say something like this: In order to show that He is Hayy (Eternally Living) and Qayyum (Self-Existing), Allah made Khidr and Ilyas live in the second layer of life on earth, unlike other people, and He made Isa and Idris live in the third layer of life in the sky. The reason why He gave those four luminous personalities a different level of life from other human beings in those two neighborhoods of the universe is a clear proof of His pre-eternal and post-eternal life and His eternal existence.
- The fact that these four people live without the food necessary for human life though they are human beings means, first and foremost, the abolition and elimination of causes. The fact that they did not have to take these foods, as in the case of Khidr and Ilyas, or that they did not take them at all, as in the case of Isa and Idris, and yet they survived, are clear proofs of tawhid.
In other words, Allah, the true owner of life, makes the causes only a screen for His power.
- In addition to the general characteristics of human beings that make them thousands of species, we see that Allah has divided them into three types in terms of public life. Full human beings (like us), half human beings (like Khidr and Ilyas), and half angelic human beings (like Isa and Idris). This picture shows that the human being is a complex being that includes the characteristics of all beings in the universe, animate and inanimate, spiritless and with spirit, angel and devil, animal and plant, etc. This is evidence that the human being is the most exalted being. These three levels of life contribute to the understanding of this picture.
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