What are the benefits of the chapter of Nuh (Noah)?
Submitted by on Fri, 21/06/2024 - 02:21
Dear Brother / Sister,
Each surah (chapter of the Quran) is like a summary of the Quran. Therefore, we recommend that you look at the extensive tafsirs and the studies we will cite at the end for the benefits of a chapter or verse.
However, we will touch upon some issues regarding the lessons to be learned from the chapter of Nuh, and the goals and benefits of it:
The Ship of Salvation for Humanity is Belief in Allah
When we have a look at human history, we see that the description of both the ship and the universal message of a prophet who is thought to have lived around 4000 BC to today’s people through vivid portraits means that it has a lot to give to humanity. Throughout history, divine texts sent just to help humanity and show humans the way out have succeeded in bringing society to safety.
However, when people “covered their ears”, “closed their eyes” and “turned their backs”, they encountered disasters that appeared in different forms.
Today, if we are still looking for the Prophet Noah’s “trace” and expecting help as a saving hand, it means that humanity has no other “ship to board” and “door to go”.
Today’s man needs the universal message he brought along with his ark more than ever because the universal legacy left by the prophets is the revelation with which Allah enlightens the world. The golden spectrums of revelation are needed more in a world where humanity has lost its moral values. Ignoring the revelation he brought and regarding archaeological research as sufficient is probably like being content with just the robe or beard of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
We do not say that they should not be taken into consideration. They should, but what gives them spirit is the message they bring to humanity. What will carry us to Paradise is the unfading revelation brought by the prophets. It is possible for anything other than divine revelation to become old, corrupt, fade or disappear.
It is possible to carry the society to peace thanks to the message that Noah brought by transforming the local message into a universal form. Otherwise, it is not them who are responsible when humanity goes to other doors; it is necessary to see and seek those who cannot present the message in new forms and norms.
Those who are looking for the traces of Noah’s ark at different times should also be reminded of the message Noah brought so that the real purpose is not lost.
This shows that it is possible for the message Noah brought to be presented to all humanity.
There are lessons that today’s people can learn from Noah’s mind-blowing “lifelong struggle” in terms of explaining Allah to people and placing the Sacred at the center of life.
Prophets are Role Models
The chapter of Nuh is the only chapter that summarizes the proclamation and invitation activities of the Prophet Noah, who is a monument of patience and a master of invitation, in a systematic integrity.
The chapter of Nuh is one of the chapters revealed in Makkah. In this respect, it has a special meaning and importance for the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and all the people who convey the message and call.
The methods followed by the Prophet Noah in his struggle for tawhid (oneness) and, above all, the high values of belief and ethics he had as a human being is presented as an example and model to Muhammad (pbuh), who became discouraged from time to time in the face of the strict opposition of the polytheists, especially his companions and his entire ummah; thus, he is encouraged and comforted by Allah.
In this respect, the chapter of Nuh is a chapter that should always be taken into consideration for those who devote themselves to the activities of conveying the message and invitation (calling).
The chapter of Nuh is one of the chapters revealed as a whole during the troubled days of the Islamic call in Makkah. When the Prophet (pbuh) revealed his call to Islam, he began to be excluded, denied, and even persecuted by the people he considered very close to him (his own tribe, his own close relatives); this torment and denials exceeded the limits of tolerance from time to time; both the believers and the Prophet (pbuh) felt the need to be strengthened morally.
In a sense, it was necessary to remind them that the difficulties that were experienced were normal and that just like the natural difficulties encountered in obtaining biological needs sociologically, similar difficulties in such activities should also be faced naturally. For being a prophet, being with the prophet and inviting people to the truth are difficult and troublesome tasks.
Naturally, it is necessary to be prepared for denials, oppositions, slanders, persecutions, conspiracies, etc. in this way.
As a method of the Quran to overcome such difficulties, historical examples known by the addressed community are given to remind them that the troubles that befell the Prophet (pbuh) and those who believed in him had also befallen the prophets who undertook this task before and those who were with them; thus, they are reinforced in terms of morale and their hearts are relieved, while their opponents are warned by making them think.
In other words, no other wisdom should be sought for this situation than the facts depicted in the picture drawn in the verses.
Content of the Chapter of Nuh
When we evaluate the chapter of Nuh separately, we see that the special invitation method given to Noah and the terrible end of his nation, which opposed this invitation method appear as the main target of the chapter.
In other words, we see in this chapter the basic characteristics of the Makkan chapters, such as belief in Allah, belief in resurrection after death, belief in the heavenly prophethood, and an invitation to basic morality and duties of servitude.
Accordingly, the chapter of Nuh is about the struggle of a prophet who tries to reform a society that is extremely strict and stubborn in order to protect the belief in polytheism, to deter those people from polytheism and to make them attain the truth, through secret and open invitation methods. In this process, the issue of prophethood (the identity of the inviter, the duty and responsibility with which he does this job) is revealed, what the first call should be in the invitation, the methods used in the invitation, the evidence and promises presented to convince people, the prayers of the prophets, especially Noah’s curse and prayer, Allah’s granting of respite to people, etc. are all included in this chapter as topics.
In addition to them, more narrowly framed issues can also be mentioned. For example, the relationship between belief and sustenance, whether it is possible to bring forward or delay the time of death, the material benefits of asking for forgiveness from sins, the general characteristics of the evidence that the prophets bring to convince their people and the issues pointed out by such evidence, the generality or specificity of the divine punishment to come, whether there will be punishment in the grave or not, the extent and limits of the possibility of cursing for a prophet, the situation of innocent and sinless children in mass torments, etc. are secondary topics covered around the main topics above.
In other words, when a prophet invites his people, he invites them with a certain method to accept the oneness (tawhid) of Allah, whose signs of existence and power are clearly seen in the universe, and to worship him. For Allah reveals the evidence of His existence and unity in the universe and in the creation of His servants, and by reminding His prophets through revelation and to His servants through His prophets, Allah wants them not to turn to beings other than Him as deities; He states that those who persist in this false faith will be punished.
The Goal of the Chapter of Nuh
The main goal to be achieved by this chapter is to contribute to the overcoming of corrupt thoughts, faiths and interest-centered actions that people cannot overcome heartily, intellectually and materially by guiding people. It is to convince people that if such corrupt thoughts, beliefs and actions are not overcome by human will, it is inevitable for them to be dragged into a terrible disaster.
In addition, by benefitting from people’s fears and hopes, to guide those who try to contribute to the overcoming of such psycho-social and moral problems, and to provide them with evidence that can convince people with certain methods, or to remind them that they should be patient in the face of people’s negative attitudes, to activate the rule “those who rebel against Allah will be punished, those who do not rebel will not be punished and will live in happiness; the rebellious will be destroyed by Allah’s wrath and those who do not rebel will live in happiness for a while longer”. If we call this the general purpose of the chapter, it is possible to further customize this general goal for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the believers around him.
Accordingly, this chapter aims specifically to console the Companions who gathered around the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and were subjected to the pressure and oppression of the Makkan polytheists, to ensure that they look to the future with hope and do not fall into pessimism, to reinforce them in terms of morale, to enable them to be patient with the persecution because they will be the winners in the end.
That is a goal that the chapter seeks to achieve for the Companions. Another is to help the polytheists find the truth by influencing both their conscience and intellect in order to instill fear in their hearts and make them give up the torture they inflict.
That is another goal that the chapter seeks to realize for the polytheists.
Most importantly, it is to increase the Prophet’s perseverance and determination and strengthen his will. It can be summarized as the goal that the chapter aims to realize for the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
- Ahmad Muhammed Hulayl, Taammulat fi Surati Nuh Alayhissalam, Amman 1981.
- Jafar Sharafaddin, Khasaisus-Suwar, X, 163-181.
- Zeki Tan, Nuh Suresi Bağlamında Küresel Ahlak Bunalımına Hz. Nuh’un Mesajının Katkısı, İstem, Year: 8, Issue: 16, 2010, pp. 113 – 134,
- Hasan Keskin, Sure İç Bütünlüğü Açısından Nuh Suresi’nin İncelenmesi, C. Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi XIII/2- 2009, 69-116.
Questions on Islam
- Was Noah’s wife a Muslim?
- Question 59: How were microorganisms taken to Hz. Nuh’s (Noah’s) Ark and placed? How did Hz. Nuh fit gigantic dinosaurs like Seismosaurus and T-Rex in his Ark?
- Which prophet was sent to the Sumerians?
- Did the Flood of Noah cover the whole world? Did the humankind continue from Hz. Nuh (Noah)?
- Prophet Nuh [Noah] (Peace be upon him)
- How can it be explained that the life of the Prophet Nuh (Noah) is narrated as a whole in the Torah but briefly and in bits in the Quran?
- Did Hz. Nuh (Noah) continue the duty of prophethood after the deluge too?
- Did the Prophet Nuh (Noah) use nails in his ship?
- How many nations and tribes were destroyed? Where, how and why?
- How would you answer the claims that the incidents like the Deluge of Noah (Nuh) and the Red Sea being split into two are mentioned in the Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian resources and that they were copied from those resources?