What are the basic weaknesses of man? Do you know the 6 weak aspects of man?

What are the basic weaknesses of man? Do you know the 6 weak aspects of man?
Submitted by on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 10:12
Dear Brother / Sister,
Man has weaknesses. The Holy Quran declares that in an ayah (verse):
"...Man is created weak." (Surah an-Nisa 28).
That weakness becomes obvious as soon as he is born. Babies of other beings adapt themselves to their environment in a short time and can sustain their lives on their own. However, babies of human beings can hardly stand on their feet in two years .He learns the hazards and benefits only partly in 15-20 years. He is to learn about life all his life long.
Moreover, man is very sensitive. He can stand neither extreme heat nor extreme cold. He can cope with neither hunger nor thirst. Even a microbe can knock him down. A comet can terrify him. While thinking about past makes him mournful, thinking about future makes him worried. His wishes are endless.
We also have "humane weaknesses." Those weaknesses are some of our habits and characteristics. We can deal with some of them as follows:
1. Forgetfulness
Man has a tendency to forget. Every man has examples of forgetfulness in his life. The prophet Adam, who is the first man, experienced that forgetfulness. The following is told in the Holy Quran:
"And certainly We gave a commandment to Adam before but he forgot..." (Surah Taha 115)
It was told Adam not to get close to the forbidden tree. However, Satan seduced him and he ate the fruit of that tree. So, he was sent to the earth. (Surah al-Baqara 35-37)
Human beings have the same nature as Adam. The worst form of forgetfulness is mans forgetting himself and not recalling why he was created. It is called blindness. Allah Almighty helps him out of the state of blindness through some troubles. Allah Almighty directs him to the purpose of creation. However, quite a lot of people still forget. The Holy Quran states it as follows:
"And when affliction touches a man, he calls on Us, whether lying on his side or sitting or standing; but when We remove his affliction from him, he passes on as though he had never called on Us on account of an affliction that touched him..." (Surah Yunus 12)
2. Greed and meanness
One of our humane weaknesses is our fondness of money and property. The Holy Quran states it as follows:
"Surely man is created of a hasty temperament. Being greatly grieved when evil afflicts him. And niggardly when good befalls him..." (Surah Maarij 19-21)
"If man had a valley full of gold, he would like a second valley full of gold." (Muslim Zakat 117).
That hadith calls our attention to that humane weakness of us. It is possible to see the same weakness in a baby too. It is difficult to take from a baby what he has, but he will take what you give him immediately.
3. Hastiness
Man is a hasty being. He wants to attain his goal in a minute. He tries to have a taste of the prosperity of the Hereafter in this world.
"He says Our Lord! Give us (your bounties) in this world. They will have no portion in the hereafter." (al-Baqara 200)
However, you need patience and perseverance for this world. The ultimate reality is not the happiness of this world but the prosperity of the Hereafter. It is not sensible to give away the diamonds of the Hereafter for the sake of the glasses of this world. However, man as he does not know the Hereafter makes all his efforts for this world. He tries to enjoy life by saying "Life is only this life." As declared in the Holy Quran;
"Man is given to hasty." (Surah al-Isra 11)
4. Being praised
Almost everyone likes being praised. Man likes what he does and likes it. However, he has a very little share in the deeds he has achieved. For instance, he is proud of his voice. If Allah had not bestowed him that voice, he wouldn't do anything.
The holy Quran reminds us this:
"Think not that those who exult in what they have brought about, and love to be praised for what they have not done, ― think not that they can escape the penalty. For them is a penalty grievous indeed." (Aal-e-Imran 188)
There are two acts which are rejected in that ayah:
1. Boasting of what one has done.
2. Liking being praised for what one has not done.
In fact, man is created to praise Allah, not to praise himself.
5. Negligence
Man has a tendency of avoiding service but seeking payment. When there is a piece of work to be done, no one seems to be around .However, everybody wants to have a share of the payment and reward. The following event narrated in the Holy Quran exemplifies it:
Prophet Muhammad set out for Makkah for umra with 1400 believers. However some Bedouins did not join the expedition. They feared that a war could break out as pagans were governing Makkah at that time. However, the same people wanted to join when the army that set out for the booty of the Khyber. Allah Almighty did not permit them to be in that expedition. (Surah al-Fath 11-15)
6. Finding excuses
The people who achieve nothing in positive fields console themselves with some excuses. They do not want to see their own deficiencies. Let us, for instance, look at the excuses of people who did not join the Hudaybiya expedition:
"They say We were engaged in (looking after) our flocks and herds, and our families: do thou then ask forgiveness for us." They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts..." (Surah al-Fath 11)
It is said No one admits responsibility for the guilt. However,
"Not realizing ones own fault is a more serious fault than the fault itself." (Said Nursi, Lemalar (Flashes), 84).
A person who realizes his own fault tries to get rid of it.
Thus, man has so many weaknesses like those in his nature. Those weaknesses, in fact, are essential for mans spiritual progress. As angels do not have such weaknesses, they do not struggle. If there is no struggle, there is no progress.
Those weaknesses make clear why man is superior to angels. It is certainly not easy for a mean person in nature to be generous by going beyond himself. It is not an easy thing for a person who likes being praised to be able to say, "All the affection and praise is to be directed towards Allah. He has all the kindness and excellence."
Those weaknesses can be overcome because,
"Allah does not place a burden on anyone greater than one can bear." (Surah al-Baqara 286)
Questions on Islam
- It is stated in the Holy Quran that man is created weak. What are the main weaknesses of man?
- What are the verses about Angels, Jinn, and Devils?
- It is announced that human has been created weak in Quran. Can you explain it?
- The following is stated in verse 28 of the chapter an-Nisa: "Man was created weak (in flesh)." How should we understand this verse?
- Is it stated in the Quran that everything was created for man and that everything was put at his disposal?
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- What animals are mentioned in the Qur´an?
- What does the Quran say about the Creator (Allah)? What are His characteristics?
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