transparent sticky liquid drop leak during fast does it break my fast
Submitted by on Sat, 14/08/2010 - 10:11
Dear Brother / Sister,
Abu Said, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates:
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:
“There are three things which do not invalidate the fast: hajamat (getting blood drawn from one's body), vomiting, and ihtilam (getting ejaculation during sleep).” (Tirmidhi, Sawm 24)
A person who reaches puberty discharges four kinds of fluids:
1- Urine, 2- Mani (sperms), 3- Mazi (fluid during excitement), 4-Wadi (fluid generally after urination)
Among those the only one which necessitates ghusl is mani (sperms). Mani has three qualities:
1- It gushes forth,
2- Satisfaction occurs,
3- When damp, it smells like dough; when dry, it smells like the white of egg.Wadi is a thick white fluid which is discharged after urination. Mazi is also a white but thin fluid which is discharged when feelings of lust dominate. In short, no ghusl is needed because of the mentioned wadi and mazi.
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