I think prophets are politicians; they used prophethood systematically in order to hold power and control. They are not prophets. I do not believe in them because I have not seen a prophet; they are stories made up by people.

The Details of the Question

I think prophets are politicians; they used prophethood systematically in order to hold power and control. They are not prophets. I do not believe in them because I have not seen a prophet; they are stories made up by people. I love Allah but prophets are ordinary people like us.

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

“I think prophets are politicians; they used prophethood systematically in order to hold power and control. They are not prophets. I do not believe in them because I have not seen a prophet; they are stories made up by people. I love Allah but prophets are ordinary people like us.” The sentences above are the thoughts of a DEIST who does not believe in religions.

We want to attract attention to the following points in this answer:

a) Allah created this universe so that He would show His attributes like grandness, endless knowledge, wisdom and power. However, the majority of people are too weak to read the book of the universe and take lessons from them. No matter how nice a book is, if it is not understood and if there is not a teacher to teach it, it is no different from a pack of paper.

Prophets are teachers sent in order to teach people how the book of the universe describes the Creator.  

b) Today, a person who says he is the ambassador of a certain country has to prove this claim. Otherwise, he will be labeled as a liar. The same thing is valid for those who claim to be Allah’s messengers.

A person who says he is the ambassador of Turkey to the USA or the ambassador of the USA to Turkey has to show documents to prove his claims; is it possible for a person who says, "I am the messenger of Allah, who is the creator of the whole universe" not to show any documents?

All prophets produced the documents by showing miracles proving that they were messengers of Allah.

c) Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) attracted attention to this issue by saying, "Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection.” (Ahmad b. Hanbal, 2/451; Bukhari, Fadailu’l-Qur’an, 1, I’tisam, 1; Muslim, Iman, 239)

d) We can list some of the criteria of real prophethood as follows:

1) Real prophets showed extraordinary miracles. Impostors claiming to be prophets could not show such miracles.

2) For instance, Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) showed the Quran, which is a miracle in terms of forty aspects. He challenged all human beings but nobody could prove the opposite. Impostors do have a comprehensive book like that.    

3) Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) showed hundreds of miracles as it is stated in hadith and siyar (biographies of prophets) resources. Tens of news about the future given by him turned out to be true exactly.

4) Along with the daily prayers he performed with the believers during the day, Hz. Muhammad performed tahajjud prayers by waking up in the middle of the night as a fard only for him. Impostors did not have such duties. Most of them proposed a religion without worship.  

5) Billions of people have believed in Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) for fifteen centuries. The spiritual sultanate of prophethood continued for fifteen centuries and it seems that it will continue up to the Doomsday. The lies of some impostors like Musaylama al-Kadhdhab never lived to be old.   

6) Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) obeyed the orders and prohibitions of the Quran more than anybody else did, which is a clear indication that he is a true prophet. 

7) Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) went to mosque even when he was deadly ill with the help of others and led the night prayer. When he was about to breathe his last, he did not show the panic of a dying person and expressed his last will to his ummah stating that they must fulfill prayers, which he gave a lot of importance to and which is the greatest order of the religion of Islam. He also gave his last order telling people that they must not treat slaves and women unjustly.  

- May Allah, who is the Beneficent and the Merciful, enable us to work for the truth. AMIN !

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