How should we comprehend Patience? What is it and what it is not? In which situations should we show patience?

The Details of the Question
How should we comprehend Patience? What is it and what it is not? In which situations should we show patience?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.” (Bukhari, (Jana'iz) emphasizes the importance of patience that a person should have when faced with a calamity at the first time. To be patient does not mean to bear condemnation or consent to the contempt and sluggishness or enduring and being silent against the unjust violence attacks that overshadow the dignity of man.

It is because showing patience to the things which are not legitimate is not permissible. A person should feel sorry inwardly and struggle against them. It is weakness and laziness of a person to endure the evil things that he/she can overcome with his/her own free will and power or being indifference in the face of his/her possible needs. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prayed as follows “O My Allah! I seek refuge with you from incapacity and laziness”. (Bukhari, Jihad, 25)

There are some hardships that are beyond the strength and power of man. It is the characteristics of a believer not to worry and complain but to show patience, when such troubles happen. Thus, Allah orders his servants gracious patience (sabr jameel) (Yusuf, 12/18).

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said; “Gracious Patience (sabr jameel) is patience without complaint.” Actually, it is in vain and an unnecessary act to show patience when one can do something and to show impatience when one cannot.

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