How do we evaluate the subconscious from an Islamic point of view? What are the ways of cleaning our subconscious which is dirtied under the oppression of the age and unbelief?

The Details of the Question
How do we evaluate the subconscious from an Islamic point of view? What are the ways of cleaning our subconscious which is dirtied under the oppression of the age and unbelief?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Subconscious can be compared to a container. We have been adding sour buttermilk into this container up to now. If we want to add fresh and good buttermilk instead of that bitter one, we need to clean it out. The process of cleaning can be achieved in two ways.

The first One: The container starts to spill over upon adding the fresh buttermilk and the sour buttermilk flows slowly from the edge of the container and finally disappears; the later added fresh and good buttermilk replaces the old one.   

The Second One: Emptying the container completely and adding fresh and good buttermilk instead of the old one.

The former is appropriate to the method of gradation and evolution. In the latter, the sour buttermilk is forced to be spilled over in a while upon a strong will and determination or an external intervention.  

Similarly, it is possible to revise the subconscious container that we have filled it along life time with indecent dreams, nasty visions, unnecessary knowledge and wrong information in two ways.

The First Way: Trying to fill our subconscious with decent dreams, good visions, necessary knowledge and true information that the universal moral principles of Islam provides. The most appropriate and compatible way for the rule of gradation is to make the mind be cleaned from those worn-out and nasty things gradually.

The Second Way: Emptying these things with a reaction which can be considered a kind of shock therapy. It can be achieved as a result of a calamity, an illness that shatters the habit of the body or a warning that will wipe off the old knowledge or gaining a new perspective that shows the nastiness of those nasty vision and information clearly by the blessing of Allah (SWT).    

We can compare the subconscious mechanism to the hard-disk of a computer. In order to clean the files that were affected by viruses, you can either use antivirus software or format the hard-disk and install the new information of clean files. As it is given in the examples given above, formatting the subconscious hard-disk completely in a while is a slightly difficult method. For this reason, it is needed to close the door to the virus infected information and fill the hard-disk with the new files by extending the work over a period of time.

That is to say, on the one hand we will close the hard-disk of our subconscious to the indecent dreams, nasty visions, unnecessary information and wrong knowledge. On the other hand, we will let the flow of good dreams, good visions, necessary knowledge and true information. This is possible with a strong faith and sincere taqwa.

So to speak, the antivirus of subconscious pollution is firstly ma'rifat-ullah (knowledge of Allah), the true belief and a strong taqwa that comes from that belief. It is because, a believer who knows Allah (SWT) well does not allow any vision that is accepted as disrespect to interfere in his/her thoughts. He/she does not allow the love, compassion and greatness that he/she feels towards his/her Creator to be offended. He does not accept to have any thoughtless information and remain indifferent to his Creator that he/she believes to be always with him/her with His knowledge and power.

In conclusion, a true belief on the way of Ahl-i Sunnah and a fortified taqwa and sincere deeds can have an unworldly operation against the pollution of subconscious and unconscious.

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