Can a nafilah (supererogatory) prayer be performed between the sunnah and fard of a prayer?

The Details of the Question
Can a nafilah (supererogatory) prayer be performed between the sunnah and fard of a prayer?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

There is no objection to performing missed prayers or worshipping between the sunnah and fard of a prayer.

However, when someone shops, eats or drinks something after performing the sunnah of a prayer before the fard, it would be better for him/her to perform its sunnah again. For, sunnahs are connected to the fard. Having a break for a worldly matter means separating between them. However, taking a morsel of a food or drinking a sip water does not harm it. That is, it does not decrease the virtue of the sunnah.

Besides, it is also permissible to worship between the sunnah and fard. (al-Khulasa; Fatawa al-Hindiyya)

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