Are there any repentance prayers (duas) taught by the Prophet (PBUH)? What prayer should we say when we repent?
Are there any repentance prayers (duas) taught by the Prophet (PBUH)? What prayer should we say when we repent?
Submitted by on Thu, 31/05/2018 - 16:33
Dear Brother / Sister,
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq -narrates: I said,
"O Messenger of Allah! Teach me a prayer (dua) that I can say at the end of prayer (salah)." The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Pray as follows:
"O Lord! I have done great injustice to myself; that is, I have committed many sins. Only You forgive sins; You are the real Forgiver and Merciful. Bestow on me a forgiveness from You, and have mercy on me. That is, save me from Hell and enable me to attain Paradise and your Beauty with Your grace and generosity, not with what I deserve." (Bukhari, Adhan, 149, Daawat, 16)
“O Lord! You are the deity. There is no god but You. You are free from all deficiencies. You are lofty. I have wronged myself. O Lord! I expect Your forgiveness.”
“Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and show us mercy, we will be among those who are losers.”
"O Allah! You are the forgiver. You like forgiving. Forgive us."
Questions on Islam
- How to repent?
- Are the supplications of at-Tahiyyat, salawat and Rabbana, which we read during tashahhud verses or duas (prayers)?
- How are the ways of saying prayers (making dua) in verses and hadiths?
- Will you list the supplications (duas) that are read in prayer (salah)?
- How should one pray in order to have a righteous (good) child (for a child that will be born and after he is born)?
- Should we kneel down and open our hands when we repent? Is it permissible to repent while sitting and lying down?
- Is it possible to say prayers (duas) in a different language during prostration (sajdah)?
- Did the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recite the prayers of Rabbana in prayers after salawat? Is it permissible for us to pray as we wish in the last sitting of prayers?
- Will you give an example of a nice supplication to read after prayers, in Arabic or English?
- Are there any supplications (duas) to be said before or after Tahajjud prayer?