Are all of the Companions (Sahaba) people of Paradise? If they are all people of Paradise, is there any information in the Quran about the issue?

The Details of the Question
Are all of the Companions (Sahaba) people of Paradise? If they are all people of Paradise, is there any information in the Quran about the issue?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

It is stated in the Quran that all of the Companions are people of Paradise.

It is stated in the Quran and hadiths that all of the Companions are people of Paradise. One of those verses is as follows:

"But to all [those who spent (freely) and fought, before the Victory, (with those who did so later)] has Allah promised a goodly (reward)." (al-Hadid, 57/10)

Another verse indicating that they are all people of Paradise is as follows: 

"…Unto all (in faith) hath Allah promised good" (an-Nisa, 4/95)

God Almighty states the following in verse 18 of the chapter of al-Fath:

"Allah's Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore Fealty to thee under the Tree."

They were the Companions of the Prophet; and "Allah gave them tranquility (that is power to their hearts) and He knows their love, loyalty and sincerity toward you and gives them the glad tiding that He will reward them with a conquest and victory in near future." This verse indicates the allegiance paid under the tree of sidrah mentioned in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.

It is seen that Allah is pleased with each Companion and that their hearts are pure and sincere; that tranquility was sent down into their hearts and that they are informed that they will be rewarded with a conquest in near future is evidence that their ranks and glory are high.  

Since Allah's knowledge is pre-eternal and post-eternal, He knows what will happen and how. Therefore, since He is pleased with the Companions, it means He will be pleased with them in the future too.

Accordingly, it can be said that, all Companions are people of Paradise. However, in some hadiths, the names of certain Companions are mentioned and it is stated that they are people of Paradise.

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