Will you give information about the personal wealth of the Prophet (pbuh)? What did he leave as inheritance?
Will you give information about the personal wealth of the Prophet (pbuh)? What did he leave as inheritance?
Submitted by on Sat, 02/06/2018 - 14:50
Dear Brother / Sister,
The Prophet (pbuh) did not give much importance to worldly possessions. He distributed all of the booty that he obtained in war after taking a little amount for his sustenance. He ate the amount that was necessary and wore clothes that were necessary. He sometimes borrowed things. Once, he borrowed some food for his family from a Jew and he put his armor as ransom.
The income of the property of the Prophet (pbuh) was allocated to travelers, guests, envoys of foreign countries, the poor and muhajirs. When he died, he had no gold and silver left, which were the symbols of wealth at that time. However, he only had a silver seal on which "Muhammadun Rasulullah" was written.
The possessions that the Prophet (pbuh) left when he died were as follows: His garment, which he wore every day, a few water containers, the tub in which he had a bath, two rugs, a bed linen, scissors, a comb, miswak, his weapons consisting of a sword, arrow, armor, spear and helmet, a camel called “Duldul”; half of the land of “Fadak”, one-third of Ummul-Qura, one-fifth of the land in Khaybar allocated to him and a castle from Sons of Nadr; those pieces of land were given to him from the booty of war as his share and as the chief of the state; he distributed all of them to the Muslims as sadaqah. (see Tirmidhi, Shamail, p.149)
The following hadiths prove that all of those pieces of land were distributed to the poor:
Abu Hurayra narrates: When the Prophet (pbuh) died, Hz. Fatima went to Hz. Abu Bakr, the caliph and asked, “Who will receive your inheritance?” He said, “My wife and children.” Thereupon, Hz. Abu Bakr said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say, ‘We, prophets, do not leave inheritance.” However, I will look after the people that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) looked after and provided sustenance; I will give them sustenance. (ibid, p. 150)
In the narration in Bukhari and Muslim, according to what Hz. Aisha says, the Prophet (pbuh) said, “We do not leave inheritance; whatever we leave is sadaqah.” (ibid)
The shares the Prophet (pbuh) received as land were based on the decrees of Allah in verse 41 of the chapter of al-Anfal and verses 6 and 7 of the chapter of al-Hashr. Thus, all of the deeds of the Prophet were based on the orders in the Quran.
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