Why does evil exist? Why did Allah create evil?
Submitted by on Tue, 30/06/2020 - 12:00
Dear Brother / Sister,
8.1.7-The Problem of Evil
Man can do both good and evil deeds. However, he set the Prophet (pbuh), who had the opportunity to do both good and evil deeds but who always did good deeds, as a model for us.
As you know, the biggest claim of the people who advocate Atheism and Deism is the problem of evil. Why did Allah create evil? Freud, who could not solve the problem of evil, asked the following questions in the books related to atheism: If God is strong (David Hume thesis), why do these children die? Why does evil exist? Why did God create evil? Why is the duty of creating evil given to a creator? He could not solve the problem of evil.
Evil dominates when good does not exist. Thus, if good people sit lazily, they will be held responsible. It is enough as evil for good people not to do anything. Then, good people have to be proactive.
Allah created a being that can do good all the time. Angels do only good deeds; it is impossible for them to do evil. He created Satan with e tendency to do evil. The creator wanted to create a being that has the freedom to do both good and evil, that can choose between good and whose freedom He wanted to test. That being is the human being. Man can do both good and evil deeds. However, he set the Prophet (pbuh), whohad the opportunity to do both good and evil deeds but who always did good deeds, as a model for us.
While there is a model of doing good and evil, The best model for doing good deeds served as a prophet for 23 years and always preferred good deeds though he had the opportunity to do both good and evil deeds. Allah advises us to be like him; He shows us the Messenger of Allah as a role model and as a test for our minds.
Some people who had the opportunity to do both good and evil deeds were created. A good example of this is Merkez Efendi. Sümbül Efendi wass the teacher of Merkez Efendi. There is a cemetery called Merkez Efendi Cemetery in Istanbul. There is a mosque, a tomb near it. Once, Sümbül Efendi summoned three of his students. He asked them, “How would you create the universe if you were in God’s place?” one of them said, “I would make everyone good.” Another one said, “I would eliminate all evil.” The third one, Merkez Efendi, said “I would leave everything as they are.” After that, he was given the nickname Merkez Efendi.
For, there is a wisdom behind Allah’s creating good and evil in balance. For, there is a test and death. We are not in an immortal world. Those who prefer the good 51% throughout their lives and those who prefer the bad 51% will pass or fail the test at the end of the test, at the end of life.
Questions on Islam
- Why have the Satan and the evil things been created?
- Why were devils and evil beings created? Is it not bad to create what is bad and is it not evil to created what is evil?
- If the God is goodness itself why does evil exist?
- Is it not evil to create evil?
- Does God create Evil?
- How can the problem of evil be solved?
- Good and Evil in Islam
- What are the answers given to the question “Why did Allah create evil?”
- What are the opinions about the verse “What comes to you of evil, is from yourself”?