When did the Prophet (pbuh) perform the first prayer?

The Details of the Question
When did the Prophet (pbuh) perform the first prayer? It is said that the morning and afternoon prayers had been rendered fard before the Ascension (Miraj). When were the morning and afternoon prayers rendered fard? Who performed the first prayer in the world?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The first fard prayer that Hz. Prophet (pbuh) performed after Miraj is the noon prayer. (Naylu’l-Awtar, 1/300). There are different views whether the morning and evening prayers he performed before it were sunnah or fard.

Mudarris Tahirü’l-Mevlevi reports that Jibril led the morning prayer to the Prophet (pbuh) near the Kaaba on the first day of the prophethood. The Prophet performed the evening prayer together with Hz. Khadijah; Hz. Ali joined them the next day. (see Tahirü’l-Mevlevi (Olgun), Müslümanlıkta İbadet Tarihi, p. 24)

According to some narrations, the first person to perform the morning prayer is Hz. Adam (pbuh). Accordingly, he is the first human being to perform a prayer. The first person to perform the noon prayer is Hz. Dawud (pbuh), the first afternoon prayer Hz. Ibrahim (pbuh), the first evening prayer Hz. Isa (pbuh) and the first night prayer Hz. Yunus (pbuh). These five daily prayers were rendered fard for Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) and his ummah. (see al-Mutadabu’l-Islami)

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