What is the importance of financial advancement at the end of time? Will you please explain the following hadith; “At the end of time, people will need money and property so that they will keep their religion and world firm.”
Submitted by on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 09:57
Dear Brother / Sister,
The following riwayahs concerning the subject are important:
Hz. Anas (RA) narrates: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
Whoever among you has enough power to protect his religion and honor (chastity and honesty) with his property, let him do so.” (1)
At the end of time, man would certainly need gold and silver coins so that he could keep both his religion and his world life alive.” (From Tabarani, R. Ahadith, no: 815)
According to this, at the end of time, material needs will increase. People will consider luxury goods as essential, and they will buy most of the things by thinking that they really need them, which is caused by the evil of mass psychology. As a result of this, they will consider materiality as essential in order to protect their religion and world lives.
Besides, there is a need for financial advancement in order to perform religious services. The aforementioned situation which can be observed nowadays has come true as a miracle of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
On the other hand, it can be said that the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shows the importance of financial advancement to Muslims and guides them. There are many lessons to be taken for Muslims from these riwayahs.
God Almighty (SWT), who put everything into our service, wants us to service His religion. A Muslim is a person who aims to have everything service for his belief. We belong to a religion that orders us to be “strong” and a community (ummah) of the prophet (PBUH) that says “A strong believer is more pleasant and beneficial to God than a weak believer.” (2) The dignity of the religion, the honor of Muslims can only be protected by being strong in every area. This has more importance nowadays. In another glorious hadith He (PBUH) said:
At the end of time, man will need money and property so that they keep their religion and world lives alive. “(3)
Concerning the subject, Badiuzzaman says the following:
Every Believer is responsible for elevating the name of God. In order to achieve it, there is a need for financial advancement. Since foreign people oppress us by science and the weapon of industry under their spiritual despotism, we, in return, will fight against ignorance, poverty and disagreements, which are the most terrible enemy of elevating the name of God, with the weapon of science and art.” (4)
The fact that the services that are being performed and that need to be performed necessitate finance shows how much importance we, as Muslims, need to give financial advancement and economic Works.
Financial means should not drive us or enter our hearts; we should use them to save our world and the hereafter
1. Hakim, Mustadrak,2/50; Munawi, Faydul- Qadir 6/54,(8405); Hashimi, Mukhtarul- Ahadithin- Nabawiyya, 139 (1140)
2. Muslim, Qadar, 34;Ibn Majah, Muqaddima, 10.
3. Munawi, ibid l/425(812)
4-Bediüzzaman, Divan-i Harbi-Örfi, 49.
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