What if a person in Paradise wants those who are in Hell to enter Paradise?

The Details of the Question

- Allah fulfills all the wishes of everyone who goes to Paradise.
- If a person in Paradise asks Allah to take all people out of Hell and put them in Paradise, will Allah do that?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The meaning of the statement “Allah fulfills all the wishes of everyone who goes to Paradise” is the requests that are reasonable, possible and approved by Allah.

Otherwise, if someone wants to take a person from Hell to Paradise and if someone else wants him to be expelled from Paradise and thrown into Hell, their requests will contradict. And no one will be so rude as to make such requests. Forgiveness occurs there only within the framework of the intercession procedure. It is for the believers who die with belief but go to Hell due to their sins.

As it is stated in the Quran, intercession takes place only by Allah’s permission. If Allah gives a servant in Paradise the feeling of a request for a believer in Hell to enter Paradise, it means that Allah has forgiven him through the intercession of that servant.

It means only those who are permitted by Allah are authorized regarding the issue. Otherwise, it will be nonsense for everyone to express their wishes in the way they want.

Besides, those who die as unbelievers and stay in eternal Hell will not be able to leave Hell.

In that case, a person of Paradise will never have a desire for a person who will stay in Hell forever to enter Paradise.

To sum up, those who enter Paradise will only want everything that is in harmony with Paradise and Allah’s consent; they will never want anything contrary to them.

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