What are the hadiths related to Paradise and Hell? When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah will say...”

What are the hadiths related to Paradise and Hell? When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah will say...”
Submitted by on Mon, 05/12/2016 - 12:17
Dear Brother / Sister,
There are a lot of hadiths about Paradise and Hell; some of them are as follows:
Hz. Prophet (pbuh) said,
"Allah Almighty said, "I have prepared some boons for my righteous slaves in Paradise that no eye has seen, no ear has heard of and no heart has remembered." (at-Taj, el-Jamiu li'l-Usul fi Ahadithi'r-Rasul, V, 402)
In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) states that Paradise was made of silver and gold bricks, its mortar was musk, its stones were pearls and rubies, that those who entered there would live in abundance and welfare without any problems or sadness, that they would stay there forever, that they would not die, that their clothes would not get old and that their youth would not disappear. (at-Taj, ibid)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) states the following in another hadith:
"Certainly you will see your Lord as you see this moon and you will have no trouble in seeing Him." (Bukhari, Mawaqit 16, 26)
According to the narration of Suhayb,
"To those who do right is a goodly (reward)― yea, more (than in measure)!" (Yunus, 10/26)
after reading the verse above, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
"When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah will say, "Is there anything else that you want Me to give you?" The people of Paradise will say, "Did You not make us happy? Did You not put us in Paradise? Did You not save us from Hell? (That is enough.)" The Messenger of Allah continued as follows: "Allah Almighty will remove the veil; the people of Paradise will not be given anything lovelier than looking at their Lord." (Muslim's version, at-Taj, V, 423)
Abu Hurayra narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Allah stated: "I have prepared some boons that no eye has seen, no ear has heard of and no man has imagined for my righteous slaves."
Abu Hurayra continues:
"If you wish, read the following verse: "Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden (in reserve) for them as a reward for their (good) Deeds." (Bukhari, Bad'ul-Khalq 8, Tafsir as-Sajdah 1, Tawhid 35; Muslim, Jannah 2, Tirmidhi, Tafsir)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"There are two gardens, the utensils and contents of which are made of silver; and two other gardens, the utensils and contents of which are made of gold. And nothing will prevent the people staying in the Garden of Eden from seeing their Lord except the curtain of Majesty over His Face." (Bukhari, Tafsir, ar-Rahman 1, 2, Bad'ul-Khalq 8, Tawhid 24; Muslim, Iman 180; Tirmidhi, Jannah 3)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"There is such a tree in Paradise that a person riding an animal cannot cover it even if he rides one hundred years in its shade. Read the following verse if you wish: "In shade long-extended, By water flowing constantly."(al-Waqia 30-31)" (Tirmidhi, Tafsir, al-Waqia, Jannah 1)
Abu Hurayra narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"There is no tree whose trunk is not gold in Paradise." (Tirmidhi, Jannah 1)
Abu Hurayra narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"In Paradise, a place as small as a bow is better than everything the sun rises on or sets (the world)."
Tirmidhi adds the following from Hz. Anas:
"A place as small as your bow or whip in Paradise is better than the world and everything in it. If a woman of Paradise showed herself to the people of the world, she would illuminate the world and everything in it and would fill the area between the sky and the earth with nice scent; her headscarf is better than the world and everything in it." (Bukhari, Bad'ul-Khalq 8, Tafsir, al-Waqi'a 1; Muslim, Jannah 6; Tirmidhi, Jannah 1)
Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"If as little as what can be placed on a fingernail of what is in Paradise were to become apparent, it would have beautified all the far corners of the heavens and the earth. And if a man among the people of Paradise were to appear and his bracelets were to become apparent, the light of them would have blotted out the light of the sun, as the sun blots out the light of the stars." (Tirmidhi, Jannah 7)
Burayda (ra) narrates: Somebody asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh): "Are there horses in Paradise?" The Prophet (pbuh) said,
"If Allah admits you into Paradise and if you wish to be carried on a horse of red ruby, it will fly with you wherever you want."
Thereupon, another man asked him, "Are there camels in Paradise?" However, this time, the Prophet (pbuh) gave a different answer:
"'If Allah admits you into Paradise, you will have in it whatever is desired by your soul and pleasing to your eye." (Tirmidhi, Jannah 11)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"There is a place where the black-eyed houris gather in Paradise. They sing with a voice that no creature have heard of and say, 'We are eternal; we never die. We have been granted boons; we do not know poverty. We are pleased with our Lord; we do not feel sad. How happy are our husbands!' " (Tirmidhi, Jannah 24)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"In Paradise there is a street to which the people of Paradise come every Friday. The north wind will blow and scatter fragrance on their faces and on their clothes and add to their beauty and loveliness. Then they will go back to their family after having an added luster to their beauty and loveliness. Their wives will say to them: 'By Allah, you have been increased in beauty and loveliness after leaving us.' The men will say: 'By Allah, you have also increased in beauty and loveliness after us.'" (Muslim, Jannah 13)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Indeed in Paradise there is a market in which there is no buying or selling except for images of men and women. Whenever a man desires an image, he enters it." (Tirmidhi, Jannah 15)
Let us give some examples of hadiths related to Hell now:
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, "This Fire of yours, which you kindle, is one part from seventy parts of the fire of Hell." The people there said, "By Allah! This fire is enough to punish in the hereafter." The Prophet said, "Hellfire is sixty-nine parts more than this fire. The heat of each part is similar to this." (Bukhari, Bad'ul-Khalq 10; Muslim, Jannah 29; Muwatta, Jahannam 1; Tirmidhi, Jahannam 7)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Hellfire was kindled for one thousand years until it reddened. Then it was kindled for one thousand years until it whitened. Then it was kindled for one thousand years until it became blackened; now, it is black and dark." (The text is from Tirmidhi.) (Tirmidhi, Jahannam 8; Muwatta, Jahannam 2)
Abu Saidi'l-Khudri narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"The rampart surrounding Hell had four separate walls. The thickness of each wall is as long as the distance covered in forty years on foot." (Tirmidhi, Jahannam 4)
Hasan Basri narrates: While Utba Ibn Ghazwan (ra) was on the pulpit in Basra, he said, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"A giant rock was thrown from the brink of Hell and it continued to fall into it for seventy years; it has not reached the bottom of it yet."
(Utba Ibn Ghazwan continued): "Hz. Umar (ra) said,
'Increase in your remembrance of the Fire, for its heat is extreme, its bottom is distant, and its whips are of iron.'" buyurdu." (Tirmidhi, Jahannam 2)
Abu Saidi'l-Khudri narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Wayl is a valley in Hell. An unbeliever sinks for forty years but he cannot reach the bottom." (Tirmidhi, Tafsir, al-Anbiya)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"If only a drop of Zaqqum were to drip into the world, it would spoil the peoples' livelihood. Then, how about the person for whom it is his food and drink? (Tirmidhi, Jahannam 4)
Abu Hurayra narrates: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Hell complained to its Lord. It said, 'Some parts of me consume my other parts.' Thereupon, Allah allowed it to take two breaths: one during the winter, and one during the summer. As for the breath in the summer, it is the most severe heat; as for the breath in the winter, it is zamharir (the most severe cold)." (Bukhari, Bad'ul-Khalq 10; Muslim, Masajid 185; Tirmidhi, Jahannam 9)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Some of the fire will come out of the fire in the shape of a long neck on the Day of Judgment. It will have two eyes which can see, two ears which can hear, and a tongue which can speak. It will say, 'I have been appointed to punish three: Everyone who called upon a deity besides Allah, every obstinate oppressor, and image makers." (Tirmidhi, Jahannam 1)
Ibn Mas'ud narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Hell will be brought forth on the Day of Judgment having seventy thousand bridles. There will be seventy thousand angels with every handle dragging it." (Muslim, Jannah 29 ; Tirmidhi, Jahannam 1)
Ibn Abbas (ra) asked me, "Do you know how wide Jahannam is?" I said, "No!" He said, "Yes. By Allah, you cannot know it." Then, he said, "Hz. Aisha (ra) said to me, 'I asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) about the following verse: "…On the Day of Judgment, the whole of the earth will be but His handful, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand..." (az-Zumar,39/67) "O Messenger of Allah! Where will people be then?' He said, "On the bridge of Hell." (Tirmidhi, Tafsir, az-Zumar)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Paradise is surrounded with the things that the soul dislikes. Hell is surrounded by the things that the soul desires." (Sahihayn, reported from Abu Hurayra)
(Source: Kütüb-i Sitte Şerhi, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Canan)
Questions on Islam
- Will there be a trace / sign on the forehead of a person who will remain in Hell for a while and will go to Paradise after that?
- Will there be a trace / sign on the forehead of a person who will remain in Hell for a while and will go to Paradise after that?
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