Was Hz. Yaqub’s love toward Hz. Yusuf real love?
- In what texts and books of his does Imam Rabbani states that Hz. Yaqub’s love toward Hz. Yusuf is real love? Will you mention them?
Submitted by on Wed, 10/08/2022 - 09:46
Dear Brother / Sister,
- Imam Rabbani, who explains Hz. Yaqub’s (Jacob’s) love toward Hz. Yusuf (Joseph) narrates the difference between worldly beauty and otherworldly beauty in about 13 pages. (see Mektubat (Turkish), 512. Mektup, Mektubat (Arabic), 3/383/ 100. Mektup)
The subject of the letter is the summary of it: Discovering the secret of the love of the Prophet Yaqub toward the Prophet Yusuf
He explains the difference between worldly beauty and otherworldly beauty in the letter and emphasizes that Hz. Yusuf’s beauty was of an otherworldly kind.
- Badiuzzaman Said Nursi states that he does not regard that interpretation appropriate as follows:
“My master, Imam Rabbani, did not consider worldly love to be altogether fitting for the rank of prophethood and therefore said: ‘Joseph’s virtues pertained to the hereafter, so love for him was not of a worldly kind that it should have been defective.’
But I say: ‘Master! That is an artificial interpretation, the truth of the matter must be this: Jacob’s was not love but a degree of compassion a hundred times more brilliant, more extensive, and more elevated than love.’ Yes, in all its varieties, compassion is subtle and pure, while many sorts of love and passion may not be condescended to.” (Nursi, Mektubat, 31)
Questions on Islam
- Is it not contrary to equality that Hz. Yaqub loved his son Hz. Yusuf more than his other sons?
- Prophet Yusuf [Joseph] (Peace be upon him)
- How can it fit a prophet (Hz. Yaqub) to cry for forty years because of being separated from his son (Hz. Yusuf)? Would it not have been better if he had shown patience?
- Are there any hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) about Hz. Yusuf?
- Prophet Yaqub [Jacob] (Peace be upon him)
- Did the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) beat himself?
- “Take Thou my soul (at death) as one submitting to Thy will (as a Muslim), and unite me with the righteous." (Yusuf, 12/101) Did Hz. Yusuf die immediately after his prayer above?
- Will you give information about Hz. Ishaq (Isaac)?
- The Eighth Letter states that compassion is more elevated, brilliant and sincere than love, which is a means of the names in basmala by interpreting the names the Merciful and the Compassionate in basmala.
- Will you summarize the life of Hazrat Yusuf?