Is a man held responsible for his wife if she does not practice Islam?

The Details of the Question

- Is a man held responsible for his wife if she has no knowledge about Islam and does not practice Islam?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

When a person who loves Islam and practices Islam wants to get married, he should look for a Muslim and pious woman and try to make an effort to marry her.

If his wife does not practice Islam, the man’s duty is to explain and advise his Muslim but sinful wife about the good principles and sublime purpose of Islam in an appropriate language, and to read books written by true scholars to her, have her read them, and make her listen to good preachers

If she does not come to reason despite the man does this, he should be a little harsh toward her in order to save her eternal life, and if she does not come to reason even with this, he should stay away from her temporarily. If she does not come to reason even with this, his duty is over. The responsibility lies with her after that.

You do not have to divorce such a woman. It is very painful to resort to divorce, especially after starting a family and having children.

Since it is permissible in Islam to marry a Christian or Jewish woman, even if it is not good, it will certainly be permissible to marry a sinful Muslim woman. A sinful Muslim woman is far superior to a Jewish or Christian woman.

(see Halil GÜNENÇ, Günümüz Meselelerine Fetvalar, II/144)

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