Is it permissible for Muslim women to remove the extra hairs between or around her eyebrows?

The Details of the Question
Is it permissible for Muslim women to remove the extra hairs between or around her eyebrows? and How should Muslim women remove the hair between her eyebrows?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

As for the hairs between or around the eyebrows:

“There is a normal form of female eyebrow. The extra hairs which exceed this form, and which seem ugly and make the woman look ugly and therefore disturb her, can be removed.

"Shaving is not the best way of removing those hairs, but the best way is through such medical methods as epilating wax, powder, or the like.” ( Kadın İlmihali, Mürşide Uysal, p. 370)

But, it is not regarded permissible to make normal eyebrows thinner by following the fashion, or to change their position...” (Prof. Dr. Hayreddin Karaman) Islamic scholars have thought for a long time about what the religious decree is for women's plucking the hairs on their faces, making their eyebrows thinner, and making their eyelashes longer. It has been a matter of much discussion among Islamic scholars what deeds the expression in the following hadith of the Prophet includes: “May Allah damn the woman who plucks her facial hairs and who has them plucked.” (Bukhari, 'Libas', 84; Muslim, 'Libas', 120).

According to the majority of scholars, if such hairs as beard and mustache, which are not peculiar to women, grow on her face, it is permissible for a woman, with the intention of looking beautiful to her husband and with his permission, to remove them, to make up in order to be more beautiful, to remove the scattered hairs around her eyebrows (around and between the eyebrows); and the prohibition in the hadith is about women's plucking her facial hairs and her eyebrows in order to go out and to be seen more beautiful to the strangers.

The Malikis (one of the rightful sects in Islam) and some scholars, though, view it as changing the creation and therefore do not see it in any way as permissible or they see it as ominable (makrooh).

As a result, it is more appropriate to understand the prohibition in the hadith of plucking hairs as prohibition of removing hairs of eyebrows in order to make them thinner and change their place with the intention of looking more beautiful to others; rather than removing facial hairs (beard, mustache hairs) which grow later as a result of an illness or any other malady and which make a woman's face look ugly.

It is a requisite of belief in Allah that humans should respect the blessing of the body which Allah has given them as trusts, and that they should reciprocate His blessings by offering thanks. It is an expression of the love that a Muslim woman feels for Allah that she protects the beauty Allah has given to her face without distorting it and thus respects His work of art, and adds beauty to her beauty by reflecting the gleams of peace of spirit and of heart onto her face.

Dr. Jale Şimşek

Editor's Selected Links;

Beard and mustache were not of the creation (fitrat) of women (not natural for them).

Is it halal (lawful or permitted) for a woman to wear a wig, cut or dye her hair?

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