Is it permissible to kill children in war according to the example of Atiyya Qurazi?
- Taliban made a statement. They cited Sons of Qurayza as evidence. They showed the Atiyya Qurazi hadith, in which it is narrated that adolescents who had pubic hair were killed.
- Accordingly, is it permissible to kill enemy children who have just reached the age of puberty?
- Even if they have reached puberty, what is the crime of a 13 or 15-year-old child?
- Why were they held responsible for what their tribesmen did?
- In the case of Qurayza, did they decide based on the mustache and beard or the pubic hair of a young man whether he was a warrior or not?
Submitted by on Tue, 20/02/2024 - 10:53
Dear Brother / Sister,
The irregular armed forces called TALIBAN or ISIS/DEASH, which have occupied our agenda in recent days, regard Muslims who do not belong to them, as well as people of different religious beliefs or racial or ethnic origin, as enemies, in violation of international law and the moral values of Islam.
The acts of terrorism, killing, wounding, kidnapping carried out by those organizations are all acts of terrorism and those who do them are terrorists.
In Islam, there is also the law of war. First of all, it is necessary to have a state in order to declare war. Only states can declare war.
On the other hand, our religion does not allow the killing of women, children and unarmed people, even in war. According to our religion, such a deed means killing people unjustly, which is one of the greatest sins.
As for the incident of Qurayza, there was never any killing of children in it. On the contrary, it was done in order to find out whether they were among the warriors or not, and to save children from death.
It was done according to the law of war, according to the decision of the arbitrator chosen by the Jews themselves; the judgment was made according to the rule of the law of war of the Torah, in which they believed. The separation of the children was a just and fair practice.
Two narrations regarding the issue are as follows:
According to what was narrated from Kathir b. Saib, he said:
“The children of the tribe of Qurayza told me the following: After the Battle of Qurayza, the boys of Qurayza were presented to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Those of them who had reached the age of puberty and had pubic hair and armpit hair were killed. Those who had not reached the age of puberty and did not have pubic hair and armpit hair, beard and moustache were spared from death.” (Ibn Majah, Hudud: 4; Abu Dawud, Hudud: 17)
According to what was narrated from Atiyya al-Qurazi, he said:
“I was a child on the day when Sa’d b. Muadh made the judgment at the end of the battle of Sons of Qurayza as to who were to be killed and who were to be left alive. They hesitated as to whether I was a child or reached the age of puberty but they saw that I had no pubic hair, which is one of the signs of puberty, and they let me go. I have been with you since that day.” (Nasai, Talaq 20; Ibn Majah, Hudud 4; Abu Dawud, Hudud 17)
When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) arrived in Madinah, there were Jewish tribes in addition to the tribes of Aws and Khazraj. One of those tribes was Sons of Qurayza. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) made an agreement with them. According to the agreement, the parties would not be hostile to each other and would resist any attack on Madinah together.
Among the Jewish tribes in Madinah, Sons of Nadir had already been expelled from Madinah for breaking the treaty they signed.
The tribe of Sons of Qurayza also broke the treaty during the Battle of Khandaq. They betrayed the Messenger of Allah and sided with the polytheists. It put the Muslims of Madinah in great distress and caused them to experience scary moments.
Qurayshis, whose attacks against the Muslims were not successful and who suffered great casualties, retreated and returned to Makkah when their camps were shattered by the storm and their livestock perished.
Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) wanted to punish Sons of Qurayza, who had broken the agreement and committed high treason. He immediately sent his companions against Sons of Qurayza. Instead of apologizing to the Prophet (pbuh) and asking for peace, Sons of Qurayza took refuge in their castle and chose war. In addition, they uttered bad words about the Messenger of Allah.
The Muslims laid siege to the castle where the Jews had taken refuge. The siege lasted twenty-five days. Finally, they were tired of the siege; they began to fight and were defeated. They were willing to be expelled from Madinah like the tribe of Sons of Nadir. However, the Messenger of Allah did not accept their request and asked them to choose an arbitrator to make a judgement about them. They nominated Sa’d b. Muadh, their ally, as an arbitrator. Sa’d b. Muadh made the following judgment about them:
Those who fought among the Jews are to be killed, children and women are to be captivated, and their property is to be considered as booty.
At first glance, this judgment seems to be a bit harsh. However, this judgment on the Jews is in full accordance with the judgment in their holy book, the Torah.
The following is stated in the Torah:
“When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves...” (Old Testament, Deuteronomy 20/10-15)
In accordance with that decree, four hundred men of Qurayza were killed. The beard, mustache and pubic hair of those who were suspected of being children or youths were checked. Those who had pubic hair were considered to have fought and were killed; and those who did not were captivated.
It took place at a time when the young men were killed and the children were separated. Therefore, if they had been asked about age or puberty, the non-Muslims might not have told the truth because it was a matter of life and death. Even if the person in question had reached the age of puberty, he would have hidden it and claimed to be a child in order to save his life. Although the growth of pubic hair, mustache and beard is not a definite sign of puberty, it is a measure. Therefore, the pubic hair, mustache and beard of the Jews were checked.
Upon the order of the Prophet (pbuh), all the warriors who had been sentenced to death were given food and drink before the execution and were allowed to read the Torah.
Four warriors who converted to Islam during the siege were saved from execution.
The narrator of the second hadith, Atiyya al-Qurazi was not killed but left as a prisoner because he was a child at that time. He later converted to Islam. (See Sünen-i Ebu Davud Terceme ve Şerhi, Şamil Yayınevi: 15/87-90)
Questions on Islam
- Is it true that innocent boys were slaughtered in Sons of Qurayza?
- Can you give a detailed information about the jew tribe Banu Qurayza?
- The Expedition of Sons of Qurayza
- The Battle of Khandaq
- Sa’d bin Muadh (r.a.)
- Abu Lubaba (r.a.)
- How many tribes of Jews were there in Madinah and how was their attitude toward the Muslims?
- Are the claims that the number of the people that were killed in the incident of Sons of Qurayza is exaggerated and that they are not based on sound sources true?
- 5. Madinah Period of Hazrat Muhammad
- What are the purposes of wars that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fought?