Is it permissible to broadcast and look at revealing pictures and obscene films?
- Is it sinful for a woman to have her nude pictures taken or pose in obscene films and show herself to people through the media (newspapers, magazines, TV, cinemas)? Is it sinful for a person to look at such pictures and films?
- Is it sinful for a woman to have her nude pictures taken or pose in obscene films and show herself to people through the media (newspapers, magazines, TV, cinemas)?
- Is a person who looks at such pictures and watches such films regarded to have sinned?
Submitted by on Wed, 26/06/2024 - 12:29
Dear Brother / Sister,
First of all, we should not limit revealing pictures to pictures of women only. We cannot say that it is sinful if they are of a woman and not sinful if they are of a man.
It is haram and sinful to show and look at a part that is considered awrah, no matter who does it. However, the degree of haram and sin increases and becomes heavier the closer one gets to the most private parts. (Fatawa Hindiyya V/288; Dürer Hâşiyesi Abdülhalîm I/199)
On the other hand, there is no doubt that it is haram and a sin to allow one’s awrah parts to be photographed and displayed when there is no necessity to do so. As for looking at such pictures, it is clear that it is not as grave a sin as looking at the living person. However, we do not mean that it is lighter, but that there is a difference between them.
Besides, prohibitions (harams) become bigger as they increase and become smaller as they decrease if the mischief they cause is understood with reasoning. Accordingly, there are two objectionable aspects of looking at someone else’s awrah parts: Planting in the heart the seeds of evil feelings that will lead to bigger harams and violating the rights of another person. First of all, the owners of revealing pictures and those who walk around uncovered (without believing in the necessity of covering) do not consider people’s looking at their uncovered parts as a violation of their rights; so, no violation of others’ rights is in question in such cases. (Alauddin Ibn Abidin, al-Hadiyya al-Alaiyya) However, those who deliberately look at women who are uncovered become sinners because they commit a haram deed, violating the right of Allah.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) regarded looking as the fornication of the eye because the first cause of actual fornication is looking. And the first glance (looking) is forbidden and haram to the extent that it leads to or seduces into actual fornication. That is why the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not consider the “first glance” without lust to be forbidden and said:
“The first glance is yours (your right), but the second glance is not yours (against you).” (Abu Dawud, Nikah 43; Darimi, Adab 28, Riqaq 3; Musnad V/351, 353, 357)
Accordingly, it is clear that a picture of the awrah parts can also arouse sexual feelings, but not to the same extent as a living person. If it is a film, i.e. a movie, it will be somewhere between a picture and a living person. Ibn Abidin says,
“I have not been able to find anything about the drawback to looking at the pictures of awrah parts.” (Ibn Abidin, Raddul-Muhtar VI/373)
However, the reason for the prohibition in this issue is grasped by the mind: It brings you closer to actual fornication even if it is very far away and very little. In fact, Allah forbids even approaching fornication, let alone doing it.
“Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).” (al-Isrâ, 17/32)
This reason (cause) is also present to a lesser extent in looking at revealing pictures. So, it must be objectionable to the same extent.
To look unwillingly means to look involuntarily and for a moment.
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