Is it makruh to keep the fingers apart and to turn them toward a direction other than the qiblah in sajdah (prostration)?
- How should the fingers and hands be in sajdah (prostration) according to Hanafi and Shafii madhhabs?
- Is it makruh to keep the fingers apart or to turn them toward a direction other than the qiblah?
Submitted by on Tue, 26/10/2021 - 11:42
Dear Brother / Sister,
It is sunnah for the fingers to be adjacent and to face the qiblah in prostration.
The four madhhabs agree unanimously on it. (see W. Zuhayli, al-Fiqhul-Islami,2/893; al-Jazari, al-Fiqhu ala Madhahibil-Arbaa, 1/314-315)
Abandoning a sunnah is makruh tanzihi; it does not invalidate the prayer; the prayer that is performed is valid but the person who does so is deprived of the thawab of sunnah.
Questions on Islam
- Makruhs of prayer
- What is the decree about the legs facing the qiblah while sleeping? Should we sleep in a way that our heads face the qiblah? What are the manners of sleeping?
- How is the prostration of Quran recitation (sajdah at-tilawah) performed when a verse of prostration (sajdah) is read? Is it permissible to delay this prostration?
- Sajdah as-Sahw
- Is there sajdah ash-shukr (thanking)? How is it performed?
- The Sunnahs of Prayer
- Is it valid and enough to perform prayers by gestures? Is a person to whom a catheter is attached and who does not feel his urine and feces regarded as excused?
- How is Sajda as-Sahw performed and how should one keep his index finger during tashahhud according to sunnah?
- Eid and Eid Prayers
- How should we arrange the times of prayers when we travel overseas by plane? Is it permissible to perform prayers by sitting when there is no appropriate place to perform them by standing on a plane?