Is it makruh to keep the fingers apart and to turn them toward a direction other than the qiblah in sajdah (prostration)?

The Details of the Question

- How should the fingers and hands be in sajdah (prostration) according to Hanafi and Shafii madhhabs?
- Is it makruh to keep the fingers apart or to turn them toward a direction other than the qiblah?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

It is sunnah for the fingers to be adjacent and to face the qiblah in prostration.  

The four madhhabs agree unanimously on it. (see W. Zuhayli, al-Fiqhul-Islami,2/893; al-Jazari, al-Fiqhu ala Madhahibil-Arbaa, 1/314-315)

Abandoning a sunnah is makruh tanzihi; it does not invalidate the prayer; the prayer that is performed is valid but the person who does so is deprived of the thawab of sunnah.

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